
Pneumothorax Essay

Decent Essays

The greatest advantage of fine needle aspiration is safety. Fatal complications like systemic air embolism , haemorrhage or pericardial tamponade have been described. However, pneumothorax remains the most common complication of CT-guided lung FNAC. Review of the existing literature reveals variable rates of pneumothorax, ranging from 5 to 64% . Pneumothorax was noted in 36.2% patients of my study population. In three patients (5.2%) moderate pneumothorax was seen requiring chest tube placement. It was found that the amount of lung traversed by the needle & size of the lesion is significantly associated with development of pneumothorax. The more the amount of the lung tissue traversed by the lesion the more was the complication rate and the …show more content…

Size of the lung masses of inadequate sample groups (37.7±5.3) were significantly smaller statistically (p value=0.01) compared to the group where sample was adequate (54.69±3.49). This is in agreement with the study by Guimarães et al In this study, lesions with diameters equal to or larger than 40 mm supplied larger amounts of adequate material for analysis than lesions with diameters of less than 40 mm. This study also stated that the superior lobe lesions supplied a proportionally larger amount of adequate material for analysis when compared with other locations. However this finding was not noted in my study. Layfield et al. reported that the location of thoracic lesions affect the sample adequacy of CT guided FNAC of the lung lesions, with peripheral and larger lesions providing more adequate sample. However Yankelevitz et al. & Guimarães et al23 both showed that the distance between the lesion and the pleural surface did not influence the probability of obtaining adequate sample. In my study also, there was no statistically significant difference in obtaining adequate material between the peripheral and deep seated

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