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The prolonged inhalation of mineral particles, usually in a work environment, can lead to a serious lung disease known as pneumoconiosis. Inhaled particles can permanently embed themselves into the pulmonary tissue and cause inflammation that can lead to scarring of the pulmonary tissue. The most common forms of pneumoconiosis are silicosis, asbestosis, and anthracosis. Depending on the type of mineral dust the patient was exposed to, the radiographic appearance of the disease in the lungs will appear different. There currently is no cure for pneumoconiosis, but there are steps that can be taken to limit further progression of the lung disease and thereby decrease severity or symptoms. Pneumoconiosis is general term for occupational lung …show more content…

Silicosis, the most common form, is cause by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust particles primarily linked to mining, quarrying, and sandblasting. Asbestosis is cause by the inhalation of asbestos particles. Exposure to asbestos is more common among men in construction that work with building materials or insulation that contained asbestos. Anthracosis, also known as “black lung”, is caused by the inhalation of coal dust particles encountered in coal mining. The appearance of the pathology on radiographic film will depend on which form pneumoconiosis the patient has. Silicosis tends to have multiple, well defined nodules of uniform density that are usually scattered in the upper portion of the lung. In asbestosis, the asbestos fibers often embed into the pleura resulting in calcified pleural plaque along the pleural linings. Anthracosis has multiple, less defined nodules of granular density throughout the lungs. All three forms generally do not require any adjustments to be made to exposure technique (Lung Health & Diseases, 2016) (Bontrager & Lampignano, …show more content…

To lower chance of inhaling dust particles, workers that work with minerals known to cause pneumoconiosis should be given a proper fitting breathing mask. The irreversible damage caused by the embedded particles causes the lungs to deteriorate, this can lead to other problems such as mesothelioma, bronchogenic carcinoma, and lung failure. There are steps that can be taken to limit further damage and decrease symptoms. The most important step is to avoid further exposure. In order to keep lungs from declining more rapidly, quitting smoking and breathing clean air is strongly advised for patients. In severe cases, some patients are prescribed to wear an oxygen device all the time. In extreme cases, lung transplants are considered, if the patient is deemed healthy enough for a transplant and if would increase their lifespan (Lung Health & Diseases,

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