
Plot Of The Other Family

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The Other Family Plot
The short story starts as the daughter is walking home for school while the mother watches the daughter from the window. Almost right away the reader learns that they are immigrants to Canada. The mother seems to regret the move to Canada as she misses her old country and the familiarity of it. “She had drifted away from a world that she had lived in and understood.” (1) We see the mother and the daughter eat dinner, however the mother seems to be preoccupied by work and the unsettling letters that arrived from home.

Rising Action
The daughter shows her mom a picture she drew at school, a white family with blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles. The mother is shocked by the picture and begins to wonder if her daughter wishes to be white, like the rest of her class. She asks the child if it was their family but the little girl says that she drew it from a book like everyone else in the class. The mother gets angry and lashes out questions like, “Don’t you want us anymore,” “You want to be a mem-sahib, a white girl?” Panic is shown because the mother thinks she is losing her child and that one day the little girl would grow to resent and be embarrassed by her family.

Climax …show more content…

The little girl believes that “whether she looked like the little girl in it or not, made not one jot of a difference. That was, yes, that was the right picture.” The mother cried for a long time while the little girl watched,

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