
Play Review Essay: Dry Land Production

Decent Essays

After doing some research on the production Dry Land, I went into the play with a lack of understanding on just how deep the play would actually be. Going in, I assumed the production would cover some controversial topics, but I didn’t understand just how serious it would be. The story line for this rendition of the production was very similar to the “standard” versions I had read about. Some of factors that contributed to the likeness of the rendition of this production were that it took place in a Florida high school, in the locker room of a girl’s swim team. The play here at Ball State starred two young high schoolers which was a dead match for the standard production of Dry Land. The original set for this production was a locker room in a high school which was …show more content…

The first words you hear are “punch me” which blows your mind. It makes you ask, “why would someone want to be punched?”. As the play goes on you find out why and it makes you take a step back to realize just how serious this topic is. Just like the production A Chorus Line, you felt for the characters and that connection you had with them only developed more and more throughout the production. One example of this would be how one of the main characters, “Amy” felt throughout the duration of the play. Amy felt that she was alone, and no one would be there for her while she was enduring something that no child should ever have to undergo by themselves. The second example would be “Ester” who was so willing to do anything Amy asked because she wanted friendship and acceptance so badly. The beginning of the play was filled with Ester constantly asking if she was punching her correctly or could do anything to help Amy. This really connects to us as young adults and adolescents because we are constantly looking for acceptance from our peers. This was shown very clearly through the characterization of Ester throughout the

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