
Plato's Cave Allegory

Decent Essays

Imagination is a term that is used to refer to creativity in general or a depiction of any kind of mental imagery. The concept of imagination can allow us to explore ideas that are not actually there or things that do not even exist (Davies). A good example of imagination would be a young child that has a friend that is not actually there. They refer to them as their Imaginary friend(s). Another good example of imagination is used in Plato’s Cave Allegory. Plato’s Cave Allegory is a very good example of how people use their imagination and how they process what they feel is reality. Plato asks Socrates to depict a cave where people are being held prisoners from the time of birth. The prisoners are chained at their legs and neck restricting …show more content…

Men and Women are almost always depicted and described in certain ways and rarely stray away from the norm. Men are describes being tall and muscular with a chiseled jaw line and body figure and normally have nice hair as well. Women are generally petite and blonde with a great tan and are either insanely book smart or are extremely athletic. If this is what is being publicized across the nation, then why wouldn’t people believe that this is what people should look like and act like? The media only shows the public one side of the story. Almost every picture posted is photo shopped to make the person appear more attractive and to diminish the appearance of any physical flaws. When people see the physique and style of the models or actors and actresses, they begin to conform because they think that is reality. Ultimately, the media is portraying a false representation of what men and women generally look like. The average size of a man in American is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall and weighs about 195.5 pounds (Arbuckle). The average size of a woman in America is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs about 166.2 pounds (Cloe). Most models are above 6 feet tall and weigh far less than those numbers

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