
Platonic Love And Romantic Love

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What is love? Trying to define love is like trying to explain what rain is to a fish. This is because our perspective of love is cloudy, so it is hard to entirely understand the concept of love. I think many people would say they know what love feels like but in reality, could not explain it. Some might say it is caring for people in your everyday life. Others might say it is a deep attraction for someone. While both of these are true, I believe there is multitude of meanings behind the word love. Love, in my opinion, is better described as a feeling rather than a set definition. One type of love is a nonsexual relationship called platonic love. The love expresses the idea of loving someone not being in love with someone. This other most …show more content…

My platonic love for this boy was obviously quite different than my romantic love for him. When I call my mom on the phone, I always end the conversation with “love you mom”. I love my mom, but not a romantic kind of way. This love I am referring to is a prime example of platonic love. When referring to platonic love, it is the kind of love based on the influences around you (LeeLo). This includes parents, friends, mentors, or anyone whom you care for dearly. It is the kind of love that has no fear of conflict. While you might have an occasion fight, the fear of “loosing” that person or rather, “breaking up”, is almost nonexistent. Platonic love isn’t something you need to necessarily think about, it is a given (LeeLo). For example, I do not have to question whether my mom loves me or will eventually not love me anymore. I know my mom will always love me, it is not something I have to tend to because I just have it. It was nothing I had to gain, I have had it from the moment I was born. In other words, this love is durable. Shaking a platonic love would take a tremendous amount. I do not sit and worry about if I might say the wrong thing to the person I platonically love but instead it is an easy-going love (LeeLo). defines love as, “an intense feeling of deep affection” ( This is the definition that people imagine when talking about the word love. In other words, this love is called romantic love. Falling in love is

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