
Plato’S Idea Of A Teacher Is One Whose Soul Boldly Faces

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Plato’s idea of a teacher is one whose soul boldly faces the sun, a self-motivated seeker of truth. In his allegory The Cave, he describes guiding minds toward what is real and important and allowing them to seize it for themselves. In this cave, prisoners’ backs are to the sun and they are only experiencing life through the shadows that the sun casts. However, by removing the shackles and turning towards the light, the prisoners will be able to see and experience the real things that have cast the shadows. Consequently, a student’s back can be to the light and only with education will he “see.” Plato believes that “there is the person, who for as long as they live, will remain a voluntary prisoner in the darkness of the cave. For …show more content…

This included teaching at a Laboratory School, a Dean of the Graduate School of Education, and Director/Co-director of the Center for Educational Renewal. Goodlad is known for publishing influential models for renewing schools and teacher education. He authored or co-authored more than 30 books; wrote chapters and papers in more than 100 other books and yearbooks; and had more than 200 articles in professional journals and encyclopedias (Encyclopedia, 2007). He went on to become the Co-director of the Center for Educational Renewal where he created Centers of Pedagogy. His work centered on creating a working relationship between the School of Arts and Sciences, College of Education, and K-12 Institutions. His work included creating a teacher preparation curriculum that equipped teachers for subject matter delivery, inquiry, questioning, curiosity, and fostered a desire to learn new ideas (Goodlad, 1994). In Goodlad’s book, Educational Renewal, readers explore how he planned to transform the way universities prepare teachers. Goodlad believes that the time has come when teacher education must be redefined and reconstructed in a way that raises expectations, eliminates weak educational ideas, and increases professional honor. His experience and work as the director of teacher education in four different universities afforded him the foundation and knowledge to begin researching a better way to educate future teachers. Such research led him to begin

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