
Plato 's Views On Morality And Virtue

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In this dialogue we see Socrates in intellectual argument with a fellow philosopher: Protagoras who claims to be Sophists (professional expert in wisdom) they both use various arguments and counter arguments to prove their arguments on the topic of piety and virtue. Socrates believed that Virtues is something that could not be taught or learned, where Protagoras claimed that he can teach people “good judgement” in both personal affairs, civil issues and teach political science so that his students will become good citizens.
The argument begins with Protagoras claiming that he can teach Hippocrates “good judgement” in both personal affairs and civic issues. He also claims to be able to teach political science in a way so that his students will become good citizens. To this Socrates replies that he did not know this was something that could be taught and in consequence he poses one of the central questions of this dialogue: is virtue teachable? Socrates’ reason for doubting that virtue can be taught is that virtuous parents often have unvirtuous children.
Socrates explains this argument by illustrating many examples in which this has been proven to be true. Pericles was a leading figure for Athens, a good and a virtuous citizen. However when Clinias (the brother to Alcibades) was placed into Pericles’ care in an attempt to separate him from negative influences, and to teach him how to be a good virtuous citizen of Athens, he was returned after six months in Pericles’ care

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