
Plato and Locke's Views on an Innate Idea Essay

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Plato and Locke's Views on an Innate Idea

What is an innate idea? This can be defined as some idea or mental

representation that is produced by outside perception or created anew by our

imagination. It exists in the mind in virtue of the nature of the human mind.

According to Plato most if not all of our knowledge is innate. However, John

Locke feels that we do not have any innate ideas. Then the question arises of

who is right or are they both wrong. In this paper I will attempt to examine

the conflicting views of Plato and Locke.

The problem that I will be dealing with involves the different views of Locke

and Plato. The main focus of the paper will be to deal with …show more content…

Like many others Meno believes he knows what the

virtues are. However, Socrates is not pleased by Meno's response to the

question. Meno states that, "it is easy to say that a man's virtue consists of

being able to manage public affairs and in so doing to benefit his friends and

harm his enemies and to be careful that no harm comes to himself." [Meno 71e]

This is not pleasing to Socrates because Meno also finds that women have

different virtues than a man. This topic alone would need an entire paper to

finish therefore, I will move ahead with innate ideas of beings.

Meno wants to know whether virtues can be learned or simply known. Can they be

taught to people or do we just acquire the virtues? Socrates believes that

one's soul or minds knows what one thinks he learns. As this question arises

Socrates uses the slave boy example to explain.

In this example Socrates has a slave boy look at a mathematical problem. After

the boy looks at the problem he cannot work it. However, after being showed the

problem and having it broken down the boy is able to give the right answer.

Socrates begins by guiding the slave boy by drawing out the ideas that the slave

boy already knows or are present in him. From this the slave boy uncovers that

he has ideas that he did not know he had before the encounter with Socrates.

Socrates shows that the boy has never

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