
Plato, Descartes, And The Matrix

Good Essays

Samoria Preston
PHIL 201
Dr. Alexander Jech
27 November 2015
Plato, Descartes, and The Matrix Life and human existence give rise to a practically endless list of philosophical questions. Among the plethora of abstract and complexity are found questions regarding the nature of our existence and the world in which surrounds us: “What can we truly know? How can we accurately depict reality? Can we know absolutely anything for sure?” Such questions lead us down roads that twist and turn remaining inevitably convoluted as these answers are not easy to find. Despite the maze of existence that peaks the curiosity of mankind at some point in our lives there is plenty of interesting insight that can be found through our thought patterns simply by looking at the work of Plato, Descartes and the modern sci-fi thriller The Matrix. In the works of Plato and Descartes entitled The Republic and Meditations on First Philosophy, each literary piece (respectively) presents fascinating thoughts on how mankind interprets reality and how we’ve come to know the things that we know (if we can know anything at all). These two literary works strangely mirror the thoughts behind the plot of the movie The Matrix. Examining all three of these together (the two excerpts and the movie) reveals to us some very insightful similarities in conjunction with the differences in exploring further questions about the world and how we experience it. The Republic and Meditations on First Philosophy have

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