
Plate Tectonics And Its Impact On The Earth

Decent Essays

Plate tectonics occur not only just on Earth, but on other planets in the galaxy as well, such as Venus, Mars, and ancient Mercury. Since there are several planets in the Milky Way that have plate tectonics, it is questionable about if size is a key factor in the likelihood of tectonics on foreign planets. Vol-canoes, mountains, ocean ridges, earthquakes, and tsunamis all would not be possible without the movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates. Dependent upon heat for movement, tectonic plates are one of the victims of Earth’s active life. Since the Earth is not static in movement, landforms are moved and shifted slowly but surely each day. It is questionable if hydration and planet size are significant factors in the likelihood of plate tectonics on super-Earths.

Tectonism is the moving and deformity of the exterior layer of a planet caused by heat loss. The constant movement of molten lava in the planet’s interior causes plate tectonics, and some planets in modernity still have active tectonics, such as Earth, Mars, and Venus. As for Mercury and the Moon, the two have been tectonically active in the past, but still have features on their surfaces which exemplify plate tectonics to have once existed (USRA, 2009). Scientists are starting to study the hypothesis that the size of a planet and the amount of water it possesses affects the likelihood of plate tectonics on a planet, including planets like super-Earths. A super-Earth is a foreign planet that is ab-normally larger

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