
Plate Daily Checklist

Satisfactory Essays

According to my “My Plate Daily Checklist” I am supposed to be consuming 2600 calories daily. This includes 2 cups of fruits. 3.5 cups of vegies, 9 oz. of grains, 6.5 oz. of protein and 3 cups of dairy. For the most part I am under in most categories of food due to my own personal schedule and my lack of time to really fit everything into one 24-hour day. I am also not drinking enough water thus implying I am dehydrated most of time which I can tell because my lips are always so dry. I rarely consume the 8 glass recommended amount of daily water. I for the most part drink water and milk so my beverage choice shouldn’t really affect my health negatively. I can eat more vegetables to further improve my health thus increasing my likelihood of longevity. Through commitment I can be successful in the goal I am setting for myself. My cultural background, time, and money are the three main factors that greatly impact my food choices and eating behaviors. My culture is known for eating until one is “full” but this usually means that the person has over eaten grains or proteins. Time is not on my side, AP classes, leadership …show more content…

My BMI is 28.8. I engage in physical activity everyday as of the moment due to my involvement in the Brentwood Green Machine Marching Band. For the most part it is an aerobic activity so I do get appropriate exercise level. My exercise frequency as of the moment is fine. I am basing my conclusion on my physical feeling after practice, my sweatiness, the way I am panting, etc. I honestly tend to exaggerate my food portions. This means I tend to go back for that second plate of spaghetti that is towering on top with parmesan cheese. I sadly eat fast food 3 out of 7 days on average due to the fact I work at Taco Bell. Fast food tends to make me feel sluggish, but again, time is not my friend in any way shape or

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