
Planned Parenthood Summary

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As the world grows more self-aware, the increased need for access to contraception forges the way to one OF the highly debated topics in this country. I have organized six sources in which I have summarized, analyzed, and assessed how each applies to my viewpoint for greater access to contraceptives.
Argument articles on reducing poverty
The article “Delaying Parenthood”, BY the Baltimore Sun, illustrates the effectiveness OF implementing improved contraceptive access on Baltimore. The city, which experienced an outbreak OF teenage pregnancy, took action and cut their teenage pregnancy rates BY more than a third. OFficials implemented more informative sex education, but most importantly, teenagers received greater access to long-term, reversible contraceptives like IUDs. The goal OF the initiative revolves around the troubling facts that children born to teenagers are more likely to grow up disadvantaged in terms OF financial status, graduation rates, and possibility OF coming into contact with the law. Health OFficials began working with the schools and Planned Parenthood to demonstrate to students the severity OF their actions and the access they have to contraceptives. …show more content…

According to Zorka there are many benefits that a male birth control would bring. For starters, there would be a balance OF equality because the man would have control over his future and would not be subject to manipulation (Zorka 2016). As well as supporting feminist ideals, the male birth control would improve the economy BY decreasing the child poverty levels. There would be less children with mental and social problems. One OF Zorka’s biggest points lies in the moral responsibility to provide men with the tools necessary to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Zorka claims the courtesies society extended to women should apply to

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