
Pla Plan B Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

In today’s society, medical professionals are often faced with difficult ethical decisions that can permanently alter the life of their patients. The difficulty in these decisions lie in them being considered moral or immoral and what is the truly right choice. Most medical professionals attempt to make choices that will benefit their patient the most, but some disagree with the best course of treatment based on personal morals. Physicians have the ability and right to refuse treatment for a patient based on personal, moral, or religious values and in recent years, that right has been extended to pharmacists. Some issues have risen concerning pharmacists exercising this right when refusing to provide emergency contraceptives, such as Plan B, to patients. …show more content…

A handful of pharmacists refuse to provide both access to Plan B and a referral to a pharmacist who would sell it to the patient. This raises ethical issues because to patients will not receive the contraceptive within the short time period in which it is effective, and therefore increase risks of unwanted pregnancies. It is ethically immoral for pharmacists to completely deny patients access to Plan B because they have an obligation to provide medical care to those in need. The principles of beneficence and justice best support this claim. I will argue that pharmacies should be legally obligated to provide access to emergency contraceptives, either directly or through referrals, and that decision is deemed ethical by the principle of beneficence in order to benefit and serve the best interest of both the patients and pharmacists

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