
Piggy's Monologue

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We used to be like that before things started falling apart. It’s not like you said. This is not like in the books. Coral Island, Treasure Island, Shallows and Amazons – nothing like that! This isn’t no ‘jolly good show’. Things were good at the beginning. We were happy. We began well. Then one thing leads to another and before we knew it, all of it fell apart. And to tell you the truth, I don’t know why. What makes things break up like they do? We did everything. We had assemblies and talked like the grown-ups. We would sit down and we had a vote to choose who was going to be chief; I was chosen. Meetings. Don’t we love meetings? All we would do is talk and talk. All of this talk but nothing would be done. None of them would listen to anything. …show more content…

After all, being rescued was the most important thing. Us two and some of the boys helped us but the rest of them did nothing. All they did was go play at the beach while the rest of us were working. All they cared about is meat. It’s always about meat! We want meat and all that talk! And the conch and the Beast thing. Yes, I know, I know meat is important! But isn’t building shelters just as important? And the fire. The fire’s the most important thing. Without the fire we can’t get rescued. We built a signal fire with Piggy’s glasses. It was a big fire with lots of smoke. But Jack and his hunter let the fire out when I told them to look after the fire! If he looked after the fire, we would have gotten rescued by the

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