
Pico's Oration On The Dignity Of Man

Decent Essays

In his “Oration on the Dignity of Man”, Pico explained humanism , which is a set of principles, perspectives, and logical ideas about the world. Pico describes how humans are different from other creatures of this world. He finished his “Oration on the Dignity of Man” to accompany his 900 theses in which he provided us with the complete discovery of knowledge and structural pyramid for human creation called the chain of being. Pico explained that God had created all creatures, who would appreciate this world that he created. There was no room in the chain of being, all the openings from angels to worms had been filled, so God created man who had no specific position in the chain of being. In addition, Pico explained that universe is made up of three levels of being, rising from the material world through the spiritual, to the super spiritual or intelligible. As man is made for God, so everything else is made for man.
Pico argued that human beings can accomplish whatever they want if they set their heart to it.
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In contrast to Pico, Martin Luther believed that there is a will in man, but it is not free. He described that we are dominated by evil (Satan), which encourage us to commit sin. Also if we listen to Satan we are going on his will not our own. Luther thought that faith and free will are not just enough to make a human being good and satisfied. In “The Bondage of the Will” he described that we have to work on ourselves to brighten our soul and get salvation. We can get salvation and redemption for our sins by believing on the power of God. Trust in God’s existence has to be build; it does not just come by hearing it from others. Luther believed that we can seek forgiveness and be absolved after confessing in front of priest. We cannot judge God’s giving and it is clear that humans cannot be saved unless the grace of God works in them. God's grace is a necessary condition for our

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