
Physics Of Hitting A Baseball Essay

Decent Essays

This paper is about the Physics of hitting a baseball. There are a lot of moving parts when you are hitting. You have your back foot turning you hips turning and you arms going forward your body moving back and forth. Your hands are going forward and lifting the bat. All these things go into the “Physics of Batting.”
The best part to hit a baseball on the bat is the “sweet spot” bat. When a ball hit this “sweet spot” the ball goes flat for about 3cm of travel after the ball has made contact, Then the Ball comes of the bat in the direction you hit it. Anytime the baseball strikes outside of the sweet spot a painful stinging sensation is felt in the hands, due to bat vibration. In addition, this undesirable vibration reduces the energy …show more content…

Note that P represents the hands of the hitter, holding on to the bat, and P is assumed to be a frictionless pivot.
FPy is the y-component of the force exerted on the slender rod by the fixed pivot P G is the center of mass of the slender rod F is the force exerted on the bat by the ball when it strikes l is the length of the slender rod lF is the distance from the point P to the contact point F lG is the distance from the point P to the center of mass G w is the angular velocity of the bat, in rad/s, just before it strikes the ball We wish to find the distance lF given FPx = 0. This means that there will be no reaction force at P due to the force F. “ (Unknown)
Turning of the back foot is a different processing in all the things that go into the batting process. When you swing you turn your back foot. When you do not turn your back you will lose most if not all momentum going towards the bat hitting the ball. The Turing of the back foot is one of the most important thing there is to do in baseball. There are also the trust of the hips that are very important which gives you also a ton of power towards the swing. There is also the snapping of the

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