
Physician Assisted Suicide Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Physician assisted suicide is an act of compassion that respects patient’s choice and fulfills an obligation of non-abandonment (Sulmasy & Mueller, 2017). Death is the inevitable end of life of a person or organism. As humans, we live the best way we can and with medicine and technology, humans can live a quality and healthy life-style. However, there is no human who is supernaturally immune from diseases and accidents.
When a person becomes sick or involved in a serious accident, every effort is made through the use of technology and medicine to either cure the disease or sustain the person’s life. When a person becomes terminally sick, it is probably that the person is going to die. Some patients become so sick that their body becomes ravaged by the disease in a way that completely lose …show more content…

Most patients suffering from incurable diseases or chronic illnesses will suffer and may experience physical deterioration or psychological impacts. Depending on the illness, many people in these conditions must deal with grueling side effects of their debilitating medical condition, which is why I believe that it is best to have a patient die with the physician assisted suicide. Because they are still entitled to their dignity and still have their autonomy. With physician assisted suicide, I believe that people have a right to die in a humane way. If a person were to take their own life, would you rather have them be assisted by a compassionate doctor who can ensure they feel no pain, or would you want the person to make clumsy attempts of suicide by hanging themselves, jumping off buildings, or even shooting themselves. I think if you were a family member to that individual who tried those things, I think it would be a much more traumatic experience than if you were to say your goodbyes at a hospital. In my opinion, if people truly wanted to die, nothing is going to stop

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