
Physician Assisted Suicide Case Study

Decent Essays

Physician Assisted Suicide
Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is a situation in which a physician gives a patient medications that the patient can then self-administer in order to bring about death. The patient is a competent adult in these situations and has requested this service of the physician. The doctor does not cause the death of the patient; he/she only supplies the means. (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2013; Pasterfield, Lewis, Carter, Hodgson & Wilkinson, 2013). Nurses are not allowed to participate in PAS according to the position statement released by the American Nurses Association (ANA, 2013). This is the case even though studies, such as the one carried out by Smith, Goy, Harvath, and Ganzini (2011), show that the quality of death for patients receiving PAS are no worse than those who do not participate in PAS and family members actually rate the physician assisted deaths as better. According to Walker (2011), six ethical principles guide health care. Two of these principles, autonomy and beneficence, are particularly interesting when discussing PAS.
Autonomy is often cited as a supporting ethical consideration when discussing PAS and is defined as “the quality or state of being independent, free, and self-directing” (Autonomy, n.d.). Western Europeans and …show more content…

Sometimes healthcare workers find it difficult to balance feelings of beneficence with the desire to respect a patient’s autonomy, especially in the realm of end of life decisions. However, it has to be remembered that doing good and helping are taking place with PAS when a patient, who is facing a bleak future of pain and suffering with no hope of recovery, asks for it. The patient decides what is best for himself and what is in his own best interest rather than the medical professional making that

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