
Physical Therapy Professionalism

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Professionalism can be defined in a variety of ways. In volunteering at the Center of Pediatric Therapy, I learned professionalism can be attained. Professionalism can be grasped by actually practicing therapy, or it can be attained by watching a licensed physical therapist work on patients. I learned through the eyes of the Physical Therapist that communication, excellence, caring and ethics all play a role in being a professional. A child with a G-tube was our patient for a couple of weeks. The G-tube was removed a week into treatment. In my weeks of volunteering, I noticed lots of communication between the gastroenterologist and the Physical Therapist. The communication included, but wasn’t limited to types of treatment recommended, roles …show more content…

Dave Terry, one of the main Physical Therapists I volunteered under demonstrated altruism throughout my time there. He was unselfish and always put the patient first. He listened to their concerns and addressed them in a kind and respectful manner. He made sure the patients knew what he was doing at all times, as well as the family if they were available. One of my favorite memories of working with Dave was a patient whose leg was amputated. The patient had many concerns about the quality of life he would be living after he was discharged from the hospital. Dave not only gave the patient the ample time for the therapy, but when above and beyond to ensure all of the patients concerns were addressed. Dave quickly engaged the patient, with a story of his own. The story of his was extremely similar to the patients, as both needed most of their legs amputated. The part of the story that was most extraordinary to me was the quality of treatment he gave to his patients, while not caring about going over time limits because in his words “The patient is the most important person.” Dave slowly but surely made sure that I knew what he meant by the statement. Dave also held the other Physical Therapist’s and himself accountable for whatever the situation. He made sure that if he said something to the patient or the patient’s family that I didn’t understand, he would make sure I knew after we left the

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