
Physical Activity And Health: At-A-Glance

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Physical Fitness – It Matters Making physical fitness a part of a daily routine heavily impacts the health in one's life. No matter the age, gender, etc., it confirms known that low levels of physical activity amount to low levels of proper health. The article, “Physical Activity and Health: At-A-Glance” by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) helps show benefits of regular physical activity, proven by decades of research, confirming that the more one achieves good amounts of physical fitness, the greater the health benefits. Performing vigorous amounts of physical activity leads to a happier and healthier life. It allows one to avoid risks of death, disabilities, and diseases that might become a major roadblock in one's health. According to “Physical Activity and Health: …show more content…

The problems of being inactive prove clearly demonstrated by its threats, as demonstrated by being a nationwide problem that causes unwanted burden like obesity, illness, and death. America holds one of the largest rates of obese people in the world. Unnecessary problems relating to inactivity prove able to be prevented through moderate to vigorous amounts of physical activity on a regular basis. As said by “Physical Activity and Health: At-A-Glance” “People can select activities that they enjoy and that fit into their daily lives. Because amount of activity is a function of duration, intensity, and frequency, the same amount of activity can be obtained in longer sessions of moderately intense activities or in shorter sessions of more strenuous activities to remove threats given by physical inactivity”(CDC 4). For a better workout and to avoid soreness and injury, begin with a simple workout and then gradually build in difficulty with every workout. Despite the benefits given by doing regular physical activity, many adolescents, high school students, and even adults neglect training themselves to maintain proper weight and exercise regularly, as the older one gets,

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