As has been noted, the safety of the children and staff members at Phinell Christian Academy is the highest priority. Therefore, the purpose of the emergency procedures is to provide simple guidelines to insure the safety of children and staff members in the event of an emergency. Since emergencies can escalate to crises, it is important to practice all emergency procedures with staff so they are conditioned to respond and less likely to panic. As required, the CMT continues to plan and prepare for emergencies that are likely to occur in the organization. Accordingly, all potential emergencies should still be identified in the risk assessment section of the CMP (Penuel, Statler, and Hagen, (2013). Nevertheless, the basic idea to any emergency
According to the Texas Health Presbyterian Denton Emergency Operations plan their objective “is to maintain the continuity of patient care operations and meet the medical needs of our members and the community.” In order to accomplish this goal they assert that maintaining the safety and security of the organizations staff and volunteers is the top priority, as the safety of their staff ensures they will be able to accomplish their mission of providing care for patients, visitors, and the larger community. In addition to their primary goal, they have also identified a secondary objective of providing supplies and assistance to other Texas Health facilities.
The purpose of the Phinell Christian Academy Crisis Management Plan (PCACMP) is to create a plan that will provide emergency procedures that are specific to the organization’s program to ensure the physical safety of staff and children. Specifically, the PCACMP major components include (a) crisis management team/chain of command; (b) evacuation procedures; (c) emergency procedures; (d) parent reunification procedures and (e) crisis recover procedures. In general, the CMP is located in the main office and each classroom in a hard copy notebook. On the positive side, the plan is written in very simple terms for easy implementation. To simplify, the CMP includes a cover page, table of content, narrative of the major components along with floor
In light of the tragedies at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, incidents at other schools around the nation and a recent threat at Adelante High School, Roseville Joint Union High School District administrators are reviewing and seeking to improve emergency procedure protocol.
When an emergency situation arises, it's essential that you are able to recognise it, as well as respond. Emergency situations such as fires are suddenly notice and quick recognition can be crucial. When aware of a fire, alert the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building through the nearest fire exit. If you at any point in the school day hear the fire alarm. Everyone must immediately leave the building via their nearest fire exit (this is rehearsed often throughtout the year to make sure everyone is fully aware of what to do). If a child has an illness, then you must first speak to the child in question and become
In day to day operations, uncertainties do occur. Henceforth it would be important to have a contingent and well detailed disaster preparedness plan and procedures. Healthcare systems, on a day to day basis, are faced with emergencies in form of disasters. As a result, majority of medical centers have well-structured exit plans in the event of a disaster occurring("Hospital Disaster Preparedness: Your Guide to Getting Started - Emergency Preparedness", 2011). However, this essay will aim at interviewing one of the top disaster preparedness staffat the Houston Methodist Hospital. In the interview, I will seek to identify the top three disasters that the Houston Methodist Hospital is prepared for. Similarly, in the interview, I would seek to identify the top lessons learnt from disaster preparedness at the hospitals.As it concludes it would summarize the findings with regards to the interview stated below. Below is an excerpt from the interview to answer the two aforementioned questions.
Under people crisis are procedures for medical emergencies, death or suicide of students or staff members, intruder and hostage situations, bomb threats, a bomb threat phone call checklist, field trip accidents, bus accident, and a procedure for possible anthrax laden mail. Under physical plant failure emergency, or building problems, are the procedures for loss of heat, loss of air conditioning, loss of electricity loss of telephone, broken pipes, hazardous material release, fire, and explosion. Under the natural disasters section there are procedures for severe weather, tornado, lightning, earthquake, flood, wildfire, and other external hazards. Each procedure outlines steps that should be taken and who should be contacted after everyone’s safety is ensured.
The training course for the AAP Pediatric Disaster Planning is available at no cost for anyone who is involved in addressing children’s needs in a disaster. Special emergency management issues such as decontamination of children, triage and family reunification are addressed. “The course is not a clinical class, but it does cover some clinical aspects from a resource management/allocation perspective.” The course is a sixteen hour and conducted in two days and if necessary, weekend. The class must consist of thirty students to meet the requirement. All hospital staff that is called to care for pediatric patients is invited to attend.
While this policy addresses lock down procedures other procedures that should be included in responses to Armed intruders, bomb threats, suicide, severe weather: tornado, hurricane, earthquakes, etc., death of a student or staff member, loss of power or phone service, child abuse, Sexual assault, Fire, hostage situations, serious physical fighting, lethal violence, possession or use of firearms or other weapons, chemical, gas, or biological contamination, terrorist activities, pandemic (Estep, 2013). Zachary Taylor Elementary KDE Comprehensive School Improvement plan, provides a generalist checklist which they checked yes to the following questions in their School Safety report that has not been updated since 2013 with the exception of numbers 5, 6, 9 and 12 which was updated in 2015. Comprehensive Crisis Plan Checklist (CCPC), guides administrators and practitioners in public and private school settings who are constructing or reevaluating their crisis plans. (Aspiranti, et. al., 2011). JCPS does provide each student with a Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook which outlines student code of conduct which includes primary prevention such as conflict resolution, and secondary intervention steps in the aftermath of the crisis to minimize its effects escalating and tertiary intervention long-term such as counseling and assistance (Knox, & Roberts,
The Principle handled the situation by assembling the crisis team and sealing off high risk areas, calling 911 (if necessary), has notified the Superintendent, announcing on the PA to all teachers to take accountment of students and taking rosters with them to the evacuation site, announcing to the teachers, staff (with shelter in place), and students to go to a safe area in the building, teachers close all doors and windows and must move away from them, secure perimeter doors, and designate a control area
This topic, crisis management, will focus emphasize on the preventive strategies in order to improve school climate. Furthermore, the session’s coverage will include intervention procedures, critical incident procedures, and crisis response procedures. Additionally, the discussed procedures provided an organized, systematic method for helping students. Along with a PowerPoint presentation, there will be handouts and an engaging participation in role-playing activities.
A) For this writer, the definition of disaster is when a horrible, unwarranted catastrophe occurs. Additionally, the catastrophic event impacts many individuals which involves injuries and jeopardizes safety. As a nurse, this writer feels her personal and professional roles go hand in hand and complement each other in a disastrous situation. This writer believes she should personally ensure she possesses the confidence and skills necessary for making instantaneous decisions to preserve the safety and wellbeing for the greatest number of individuals involved. These decisions should reflect the knowledge and proficiency of emergency skills which allow for the safest and most appropriate care of victims and coworkers.
The mission of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) School and Safety Committee is to ensure the plan is simple and can be coordinated in response to appropriate circumstances and conditions during a crisis. In review of the Substance Abuse Unit (SAU) Campus Emergency and Crisis Management Plan the School Administrator established a School Safety Committees to provide teachers and staff training on the components of the Campus Crisis Management Plan. The School and Safety Committee primary duties were to review the effectiveness of the plans; safety, security practices and procedures for a possible emergency and crisis evacuation process, review safety and security best practices and provide a comprehensive safety school plan for the campus, submit findings, recommendations, implementation strategies, timeline, and fiscal budget, and corrective plan of action to the superintendent , instructional manager, Dallas County facility manager, and school administrator.
However, if a family was not fortunate enough to be up-to-date on this current news and their child is placed on a bus, we will bring them to school for their protection. While they arrive, due to power outages north of us, we will have teachers post messages in the windows of the school. These messages will inform parents that we plan to shelter at the school as long as possible. Uninfected students will be placed in the gym with teacher supervision. Our posted signs will notify their parents and guardians to come to the back door of the school if they show up and wish to take their child with them. However, we will clarify to them that if we consider the situation outside to be hazardous to their children’s health then we will not release their child to them. After this the windows will be boarded up with anything available. While this is being done, we will relocate bookshelves as well as any other heavy furniture to barricade all doors that will no longer be needed to open. After we have relocated all furniture and obstructed all windows, we ask teachers to do a final sweep of the school to be sure no windows or doors were missed. The next step that will be dealt with is communication.
The crisis/safety plans is a crucial part of the school system. The crisis/safety plan provides the crisis team with the appropriate proceeding steps to perform if a crisis was to occur in the school. In perspective, a crisis/safety plan is valuable and necessary for a school to function productively in a crisis. The crisis/safety plan bestows security and stability in the school environment.
When the term crisis is discussed in early child hood education facilities, many unfortunate events are visualized. For the most part, those events are related to major injuries or death of a child; however, crises within a child care facilities cover a wide range of events. For example, an angry parent approaches a student who has been bullying her child. The parent’s behavior disturbs some of the students. What should be done at this point? Do the director call the police? Do the facilities goes on an immediately lockdown? How can the director be sure that the staff know what to do? How can the staff protect the students from potential violence?