
Essay about Philosophy of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Education is inevitable. It is all around us because we can learn from virtually anything. When you are cooking, dancing, talking or any other activity you have actually had to learn several things to be able to do them. In the educational perspective, I am a pragmatist and I tend to follow after Dewey's footsteps. The concept of Pragmatism is one that developed in the 20th century. My philosophy is based on the idea that learning should involve real-life situations. Learning becomes more concrete to a student when they apply it to real-life situations, as where learning things that do not connect to them has more of an abstract sense. Personally, I would have to agree with Dewey when he said, "I …show more content…

Hands-on experiences are authentic experiences that the child will carry with them longer than a lesson out of a book. Dewey sums it up for me in saying, "I believe that education which does not occur through forms of life, or that are worth living for their own sake is always a poor substitute for the genuine reality and tends to cramp and to deaden." (Dewey 23) In my opinion, it is truly pointless to teach children without letting them experiment and become a part of the lesson. My philosophy was quite encouraged by the underlying branches of philosophy that are found in a Pragmatist. I strongly believe that we are here to educate the children, if we are not attending to their needs then we are truly not teaching. Therefore, I bring up the three branches of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology and axiology according to a pragmatist point of view. The metaphysics believes that the truth is within the child, the individual. The epistemology finds reality within the child's construction of knowledge. The axiology finds value in the child becoming self-actualized; where the child reaches the highest level that they can. It is clearly seen that Pragmatist view goes side by side with my idea of education being all about the child. In practice of this philosophy there are many ways in which it can be done. In my classroom the subjects would be brought about in a unique way that would attract those children. First of all, I see teaching as an art.

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