
Philbert Narrative

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Philbert is known as a comedy guy at his school, a little school named Rocky middle school in the middle of Mississippi. All that's on Philberts mind is that it's the end of the semester and he can go home and play baseball with his brand new glove. On the way home his friends were awkwardly quiet, not the average guy that likes peace sometimes, I can't go an hour without some kind of action(unless I'm going to sleep ) so as soon as I went to go find my mom. “Mom, I'm home”. Philbert knew that his mom was really sick so when she didn't answer he knew it would be best to keep shut. “Mom where are you”. Philbert exclaimed. Usually, if he wasn't already getting scolded, he would, at least, have a “shut your trap son, I'm busy”. He went upstairs to see if she was sleeping or something.Nata. He went out to the garden and saw one of the most horrible things he’s ever seen in his life. His mom was on the ground with massive amounts of blood coming from her head. She was bleeding out. “Mom!” Philbert was frozen in fear. Philbert started to sprint for his mom's cold body sprawled out on the ground. Fearing that his mom would not get up Philbert bolted to the back door and called 911. When the ambulance came rumbling up, …show more content…

“dude, I think we're cousins” “That's amazing”. For the next couple weeks, I started to really like him, along with other friends that were pretty cool. I got used to the new place we were living in now. In fact, I actually liked it a little bit. its Just the thought that I probably sat in some ruthless Indian’s bed or something like that. I have to admit the whole thing really grew on me. But eventually, I had to grow up. I moved to texas and got married, had 2 kids of my own that were named Andrew and Sarabeth. Even nowadays I still think back on the time that I met my long lost cousin that I've never even seen before. Everything was uphill from

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