
Phasor Measurement Unit Essay

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Large-scale smart grid initiatives require fast and accurate monitoring of power system network. Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) is one of the major components which are increasingly deployed in the power system network to provide the necessary infrastructure to cater smart grid requirements. PMUs provide time synchronized measurement of voltage and current phasors (Phadke and Thorp 2008) from different nodes of the power system network, which is used for monitoring and control. NASPI (March 2015) and NERC (September 2016) suggest use of phasor data from the PMUs to perform verification of dynamic models as well as validating parameters of power plant models. A parameter identification toolbox for power system models developed using the …show more content…

The mismatch in PMU measurements and dynamic simulators lead to anomalous result for application such as event location, oscillation detection, islanding detection, and dynamic line rating as indicated in (Zhao et al. 2015). While PMUs can measure and time synchronize the output phasor with great accuracy, the internal signal processing may utilize several cycles of the input signal measurements to calculate each phasor values. Thus, even if the PMU report phasor each cycle, the measurements is not representative of the current cycle but of a number of the preceding and following cycles depending on the sliding window of data used for the phasor estimation. This typically smooths out/filters faster changes that may be present in the simulation output, rendering PMU output not comparable to simulated response for the same disturbance when fast changing responses are present (applicable for a very small time constant parameters in the model of the physical system). Phasor estimation can be performed in electromagnetic simulators in which point of wave signal is available. Phasor estimation of a point of wave signal is applied in electromagnetic simulator using enhanced DFT based algorithm in (Romano, Pignati, and Paolone 2015). A mechanism for streaming simulated phasors from TSAT in C37.118 format is proposed in (Zheng, Howell, and Wang 2015). However, these phasors do not reflect the PMU characteristics as

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