
Pharmacist Personal Statement

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I have always loved staying for hours in my mom’s pharmacy. After a long day in my second grade, I used to wait 3 hours for my mom to finish her shift at the pharmacy. It used to be
3 hours but it passed like 5 minutes. I observed each medicine, for example, antipyretics, antibiotics or analgesics, read label instructions, adverse events, drug-drug interactions, etc. having the experience I gained, I could describe myself as an expert in this field. As I grew my passion for chemicals and drugs increased, it became enjoyable for me to read pharmaceutical textbooks to learn about chemical structures of various active ingredients. Seeing myself so obsessed with this field, I would daydream I could professionally work in this pharmacy.
During my …show more content…

I realized that I have to be very sociable and amiable to every person in order to become a successful, professional and proficient pharmacist. As I have seen myself as a manager of the pharmacy, I was assigning various tasks to the technicians and administrative personnel including checking balances of various medications, checking the expiration dates, housekeeping of the pharmacy, etc. I was envisioning the scene of describing the safe use of medications, checking the correct doses to be administered, avoiding interactions among incompatible medications, prescribing different
Over-The-Counter products, etc. I realized that I only need the focus and persistence during my education to have this dream come true.
Five years down the road, and I still think of how I would be helpful to my neighborhood if I become a pharmacist. To develop my knowledge in this field, my mom was treating me as her assistant, and sometimes was watching me checking information about medications in the literature. This was the case until my father came one day that I can never forget, mentioning that he has received a job offer to work in the United States Food and Drug …show more content…

He answered me with a phrase that I can never dismiss from my mind “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind”. It was a quote by Bruce Lee. I comprehended that my dream is never over, it is actually a new stage for me to accomplish farther than I would expect.
When I started my junior year, I recognized that I was lucky to know what I wanted to be, and where do I wanna apply to. One day when my counselor asked me about the career I want to pursue. I did not say I want to be a Pharmacist. I replied that I want to be a Chemical Engineer.
In that field, I can use the knowledge I learned in my mom’s pharmacy to excel in this field.
Basically, I could achieve a big part of my dream. I truly realized that I wanted to pursue this career to learn more, achieve more, and grant a chance for myself to help others. My specific goal in this life is to leverage the chemistry, engineering and pharmacy principles in the manufacturing of safe and effective medications. I will do one thing for me every day and the remaining hours I will spend finding a new way to improve the pharmaceutical processes

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