
Pglo Lab Report

Decent Essays

A plasmid, named pGLO which contains the enzyme beta-lactamase and green factor protein (gfp) were incorporated to the DNA of Escherichia coli. Beta-lactamase is responsible for the resistance of the bacteria to antibiotics while gfp allows the bacteria to glow under UV light. The process of adding a new gene to an existent organism is called genetic transformation. Aside from adding DNA to an organism, it allows the organism to produce the protein of the newly acquired gene through transcription and translation. There are many ways in order to transfer a gene but heat shock will be used for this experiment since it is more practical. Two tubes containing +pGLO and –pGLO were heat shocked at 42 degrees Celsius for exactly 50 seconds and placed back into the ice and LB recovery broth was added before inoculated to its respective plates. Results showed that only 2 out of the 4 of groups of the class produced the expected results which was was lawn of growth in the positive control (-pGLO LB) because it does not contain ampicillin which inhibits the growth of bacteria, negative growth in the negative control (-pglo amp). This plate already contained the antibiotic thus it breaks the cell wall of the bacteria inhibiting its’ growth. With positive growths in plates with +pGLO amp and +pGLO amp ara because the enzyme beta lactamase was inserted in their gene …show more content…

One group had no growth in both +pGLO plates but yielded the expected results in both control plates. This might mean that the pGLO plasmid might have not been incorporated in the DNA of the bacteria. The other group resulted in a positive growth for +pGLO amp but negative for +pGLO amp ara thus it can be said that the pGLO was introduced to the DNA of the bacteria unlike the previous group because it became resistant to the antibiotic in the +pGLO amp plate however, improper inoculation might have been the cause of error for the other

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