
Pfleming Research Paper

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Reflective Essay PFleming I will never forget the day when everything changed. It was just another day; my sister and I were on our way home from school. Looking down the street to my house, I could see something was off. Clothes and toys were scattered in our front yard. My sister and I could not believe that my dad had lost all control. The day my dad had a mental break down impacted my life because I had to move in with my grandma, I became anti-social, and I got closer to God. I could not believe my eyes, and I did not understand why he did it. While my sister and I were at school, he knocked out the window in our apartment and painted himself white. When I got there, I tried to calm him down; meanwhile my older sister, Kaley, was calling …show more content…

While living at my grandma’s she took me to church. And Sunday school every Sunday. That brought me closer to God. Like Grandma says all of the time, “Jesus is who we should try to live like. “Before long, I learned it does not matter what people say about me because people talked about Jesus. It does not matter what they call me but what I answer to. The only thing there is to do is to try to live as Jesus did. “The world is not perfect,” Grandma says, “but it is our job and our duty as Christians to up lift His Holy name, tell the world who he is, and help those who are in need.” Going to church also taught me that I should love everyone no matter what they do, where they come from, how they look, or they act. You should always treat people the way I would like to be treated. However, it also helps me to know that not all people are heartless; there are people in the world that love to help others overcome their fears and day to day life problems. The church is one big, happy family; it brought me closer to my old friends and showed me that God will never put more on me then I can handle, passing his test makes me wordy of his

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