While we spend a lot of time discussing pets' allergies, we often forget to mention peoples' allergies to pets. There are thousands of people who suffer from allergies to animals. Some of the most heartbreaking cases we see are people who dearly love a dog or cat and then develop a severe allergy to her and must decide between keeping her and suffering daily, or placing the dog in a
Petco is in the process of developing a product that is about to be introduced into the market world for the aid of pet allergies. This product is called Sneeze-Free. Petco’s intention for this product is for the potential to improve the lives of individuals who have allergies to pets. Sneeze-Free can also make it possible for individuals who cannot own or be around pets because of allergies, have more of an opportunity to own one. Even though this product formulation is a first of its kind there are still similar sprays, and allergy products that will compete against Sneeze-Free. With this product already proven to be popular in the
We concluded that most of the patient that are listed as having allergy do not have a reaction or side effect noted or documented. After we have analyzed some data using random method, I conducted series of interview to find out what challenges they encounter while collecting allergy information. The people I interviewed were physicians, nurses, pharmacist and patient to get their
My brother has severe pet allergies. If he is with a cat or dog for too long, he could have an asthma attack and die. A concern for him is service and ESA dogs in public areas. Dogs in public areas are becoming a problem, but how do we fix it? Before we can fix the situation we must first look at the differences between service dogs and ESA, the problems with them, and finally how to fix the problem.
Around 2-15% of the worlds population is allergic to cats and 1/3 of these have a cat in their home.
Simons, F.E.R., Anaphylaxis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2010. 125(2, Supplement 2): p. S161-S181.
Pet palace can earn huge profits from Allergy Be-Gone because the currently available solution for allergy problem cannot match with it. Currently available options to customers are shampoos, hand sanitizers and air purifiers (Allergy Relief Pet Care Products, 2010). All of these are
Most often, a protein found in their saliva and urine causes your dog allergy. This protein adheres to the dead and dry flakes or danders of your pet's skin, hence, many people are confusing the animal's fur as the root cause of their pet's allergy.
A huge reason to undergo allergy testing is that it can help you definitively identify the cause of your allergies. The last thing that you will want to do when you are dealing with your allergies is to start making major lifestyle changes based on what you think might be causing your allergies. This could result in you getting rid of your pets, cutting items out of your diet, and a number of other drastic steps that may not even be all that effective because you aren't actually
Sceptics question lack of research to back up the effects of animal assisted therapy as a lot is based on anecdotal information and case studies. As a consequence another issue is how the word ‘pet’ is defined. Does having a goldfish give the same health benefits as a golden retriever? Most studies involved people who either had a dog or a cat making it difficult to draw conclusions about health benefits of other animals. Nevertheless, according to a study by Interactive Autism Network, animal assisted therapy was effective in 83% cases whilst in the remaining 17% more time was required - emphasising how effectual it is. More importantly one of the main concern of potential pet owners are allergies. According to the charity Allergy UK, pets are now one of the major causes of allergic disease –they are the second most important cause of allergy in the home . Although many factors come into discussion, this problem can be easily resolved by investing in a hypoallergenic pet and in today’s modernized society this is widely available. By approaching the disadvantages of animal assisted therapy, it becomes conspicuous that it can offer safe, reliable and positive
Canine Allergies can also deprive your pet in the nourishment it needs to survive. Canine kidney disease entails malfunctioning of kidneys due to numerous factors.
Our pets love us and we love them too, over half of all homes in our country have a cat or dog, it quickly becomes a part of a family but many allergic animal lovers find themselves facing the discomfort of allergy symptoms. “It is only pet hair, especially cat hair, that causes allergies to flare up” One of the misconception on pet allergies, cat and dog is the most popular when it comes to pet allergies, but cat allergy is more common than dog allergy and more severe. Of course, this is not true, you may have heard that some pet specially dog breeds trigger allergy reactions or symptoms while other’s don’t or that short haired
Household pets are prone to skin allergies, which is why it is advised that pet owners give their animals allergy shots. This would prevent and even treat their pet dog or cat if they have any type of skin allergy. In an article published by The Huffington Post, SLIT is now considered as the best way to treat pets from skin allergies and it is given orally.
It is quite obvious that you should only adopt a pet that will not trigger or at least rarely trigger your allergic reactions. Thus, you may opt for a pet that requires minimal contact, perhaps a goldfish or a reptile. Or, you may adopt pets that have little hair, like a Labradoodle.
The earliest record of allergies was the King menses who was king of Egypt. King menses died somewhere between 3640 and 3300 BC (history of allergies, 2009). The actual name allergies came from a Vietnamese doctor who realized that his parents were hypersensitive to normal things like dust or pollen. He realized that this must be because of some chemical in the body. This research started in 1906 and has progressed ever since that. (history of allergies, 2009). There is no record of any of our primate to have these allergies but that could be because we would not know what to look for in their bodies that long ago. We do know however that animals have allergies due to the fact that we have done allergy testing on animals to find out more research about allergies. From personal experience I know that it is possible for animals to have allergies or even asthma. My cats have had allergic reactions to certain foods where they get itchy hives all over their body. My cat right now also has asthma and if she gets into a significant amount of dust she has trouble breathing. This suggests that certain animals like cats may have similar genes that cause allergies. They may also have the IgE antibodies that are causing the allergic reaction. Obviously over the years there has been much more research on allergies. Since we now know why allergies occur and what genes are
It is reported that some people characterize allergies as an immunity, “gone wrong” because they do not have the protective antibodies a normal person would carry if exposed to an allergen. The best way to overcome histamine is to avoid complete contact with the allergen (6). There is no official cure for histamine. However, people take medications to block the action of histamine, known as antihistamines. They control or inhibit allergy symptoms caused by foreign pathogens. Allergic reactions are reduced or stopped when antihistamine bind to the histamine receptors, therefore preventing histamine from connecting with those receptors (2). The history of antihistamines dates back to the 1930s when a notable researcher and professor studied drug