
Pete Seeger We Shall Overcome Essay

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Over the period, “We Shall Overcome” by Pete Seeger quickly developed into one of the most popular songs of the civil rights movement. Released in 1959, this song remained an important civil justice song not only within the movement, but also across the globe. As mentioned earlier, the act of singing together is a powerful tool to unite individuals and to create a sense of community. This song evoked vitality and strong emotions across the south were most of the blacks lived as well as rejuvenating courage, and confidence in the search for freedom in their struggles. The complex process of the song, We Shall Overcome “reveals much about the improvisational and hybrid nature of not just African American musical culture, but also the movement …show more content…

Then later, Frank Hamilton, started singing as a faster tempo, which made the song now have a strong pulse (F, 2010). The song has an “AABA structure like a blues song with simple straightforward lyrics which makes it easy for large groups to sing” (Graham, 2015). The constant changes that were made to the song as it evolved gives us some insight as to what the people wanted and needed from the song. Originally the song lyrics were written as “I will overcome”, as “it was meant be sung as a hymn or in a religious context” (“We Shall Overcome”, 2014). However, in the context of the social movement, the needs of the group changed and so the lyrics reflected that change. The change from “I” to “we” demonstrates a sense of community and belonging, as well as a group identity. From simply changing the words “will” to “shall” it is evident that the group is trying to convey a message. Through an analysis of the words “‘will’ expresses an intention, whereas ‘Shall’ carries extra weight and force and is associated with the language of law, regulations, and directives and to express that which is mandatory or inevitable” (“We Shall Overcome”,

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