The great Sydney property debate- by Andrew Mitchell General purpose: To persuade MGSM students within an informal group presentation setting. Specific purpose: To persuade my audience of MGSM students (many who do not own property) that Sydney Property Prices are in overvalued and are at risk of correcting Thesis statement: Sydney housing prices are unsustainably inflated and are at a real risk of falling. Introduction: I. House prices only go up right? This has been the one certainty of the Australian economy over the last 25 years. A. Neighbors, friends, family and the media constantly tell the stories of people selling the family home, purchased for some nominal amount and now selling for millions of dollars 5, 10, 12 or 20 years …show more content…
So what could go wrong? Buy a house, sit back and relax, poor yourself a nice cold beer and play the waiting game – a simply way to become rich… But is it really that simple? Body II. The question has played itself out in the media, in politics, at the barbeque and across the family dinner table. It’s hard to think of a more controversial topic than Aussie house prices. A. On one hand the housing proponents will say prices double every 7 to10 years. They will adamantly argue that house prices can’t possibly and even won’t go down B. On the other hand, on the other side of the argument, they say the market is unsustainable. A crash is certain and it will happen soon. III. The discussion on the housing market has long ceased to be a rational topic. Both sides end up talking past each other… So who is right? A. As good MBA candidates we have been taught to critically analyse assumptions to make informed and rational views on such statements. So what do the facts say? B. In the past 20 years the median house price in Sydney has increased by whopping 436.6%... ok, but what about incomes and inflation I hear you ask? 1. When you look at inflation – that’s up only [x]% and incomes not much more at [x%]. So clearly there is a gap
The “modest” modern Australian home is at least twice the size of the post war model. It used to be possible to buy a house for three times your annual salary, now it's nine times. And where once "home" was about shelter and security, now it's also a means of accumulating wealth and status for which many are finding it impossible to pay12
First of all, from 2008 to 2015, property prices of all capital cities in Australia have increased rapidly. People have had obsession with buying houses. At the same time,
As we progress into a time of record clearance rates and housing prices, further research is required to understand if foreign investment is directly effecting the Australian property market and more specifically:
As far as the current United Kingdom Government is concerned, housing is on the top of their agenda, Nevertheless, still to come are many issues that needs to be addressed in order to resolve what is, in so many ways, unable to deal precisely with normal social relations in the UK housing markets.
Nick Vertucci, a real estate expert, has spent years educating himself about the housing industry. He predicts that a tipping point
Whether to rent or buy is a common micro economic issue among most young Australians. This topic needs to be greatly scrutinized before a decision is made. This transition in life can either have a positive or negative financial effect potentially for the rest of your life. North Ward is a small beautiful sub-suburban area on Townsville’s beautiful beach front holding only 3 percent of its population with only approx. 5000 residents residing there. North ward holds most of rental properties and a large amount of commercial business as the area resides just behind Townsville’s popular ‘Strand’. North wards trends and housing and rental market are fairly different with many sporadic changes in the house prices yet the rental prices remain
Population growth: Not very long ago, Victoria has experienced an increase in population growth due to overseas migration and birth rate; leading to a higher demand for houses and this result also leads
Establish Credibility: According to US News, the great American dream of owning a home appears poised for a comeback. Real estate company Trulia reports that in many parts of the country, rents are rising while housing prices are falling, making buying a home more affordable. Trulia found that in 98 out of 100 major metropolitan areas, including Detroit, Atlanta, and Cleveland, buying has become more affordable than renting.” I think the mortgage catastrophe of 2001 left prospective home buyers afraid of buying a house without being extremely certain that is the right decision.
George ascertains targeting incentives of property speculation would depress property prices allowing for affordable housing to be more widely available. The demand for land incorporates both value in use and value in exchange accounting for the accommodation built on it and its
By many accounts, British property is now the most expensive in the world, particularly in the densely populated southeast. Property prices have increased more in the UK as compared with every other country in the G7. Rising property prices are felt most severely by the UK’s younger population, as more are forced to work in less productive areas or take long ‘marathon commutes’. Approximately 24 percent of people born in 1990 own houses. Due to the increasing real estate prices, general home ownership peaked at 2003 when it reached 71 percent and has been dwindling steadily ever since then.
Housing is the most essential asset owned by the majority of Australian households. It is a large component of household wealth and serves a unique, dual role as an investment vehicle and a long-lasting good from which consumption facilities are derived. Housing is extremely important to all people. Shelter is a fundamental need. Home ownership has been considered as one of the key elements of high living standards. Home ownership provides security,
The UK housing market has long been renowned for being “intrinsically volatile”2. As seen in the graph below, since the early 1970s it has experienced four distinct periods of 'boom and bust ' which are marked each time by an increase in consumer credit (blue line M4).3
In the United Kingdom, there has been contention in regards to the critical lack of houses, which clarifies the ascent in house cost significantly quicker than inflation and income.
Asset prices are a key determinant of economic activity, impacting both consumption and private investment. Consequently, fluctuations in asset prices, especially the bursting of bubbles, can have significant adverse effects on the aggregate economy. This was most recently demonstrated by the bursting of the US sub-prime mortgage bubble and the ensuing financial crisis. Furthermore, asset prices in Australia have recently been in the spotlight, as there are concerns about a potential real-estate bubble developing in some metropolitan centres. This paper will outline the theoretical perspectives on asset price bubbles and explain historic examples. The insights from this analysis can be applied to analyse whether a bubble is developing in
Although we are a small country in terms of population, New Zealand encompasses a land area similar to that of Great Britain. Because of this relatively low density, analysts and observers are able to clearly identify patterns and trends between regions and cities. One of these trends is the fact that house prices differ markedly across New Zealand, ranging from roughly $800,000 in Auckland, to $200,000 in Invercargill. In this essay, I will produce evidence of this variation be presenting data taken from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), before describing how supply and demand acts as one of the core mechanisms to why house prices diverge across the country. After this, I will then investigate three arguments as two what has a noticeable effect on the price of the house. I will look at migration, and how people moving from one location to another, can have an observable effect on the house prices, by looking at the fallout of the Christchurch Earthquake. The second reason I’ll investigate is the physical geographic location of a house, both in terms of services and transport in the proximity of the property. My third argument will deal with the financial reasons of the house buyer, or seller, and how the current economic outlook can have a profound effect on the housing market, before finishing off with a conclusion to my observations.