
Persuasive Speech On Violence In Society

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Today, I will strive to propose a solution to a problem which has plagued the world for as long as society has existed. This problem has always failed to receive the attention it deserves. Although it has not fully received proper attentions, nations around the world have tried and failed to resolve this issue. I will now, to the best of my ability, introduce to you a solution which would undoubtedly end this problem wherever it occurs.

Imagine this, a young boy being wrenched from his sobbing mother's arms by local militants, kicking and screaming. These mothers are forced to watch their child being taken away, all the while knowing it is the last time they will ever get to see their child. These children are then forced to enter violent and dangerous groups where they often must hurt and kill other human beings. Some of these children are even forced to become military sex slaves for these organizations, constantly being abused by their captors until it becomes normal for them. This may come as a shock to you in the great country of America, but it is a common sight in countries around the world. There are more than 300,000 such children around the world. These children are as young as seven years old when they are taken into these horrible groups. Some of these children aren’t even brought to these groups against their will, but are lured into gangs during their impressionable years as a youth.

These groups actively recruit children due to many benefits that children

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