One of the things that all humans have in common is sleep. On average, a person spends 25 years, or 9,125 days, asleep. While we sleep our bodies go into a somewhat paralyzed like state, but the brain always remains active. In the form of dreams our brains can alert, entertain, or even terrify. Just like every human sleeps, every human dreams, even when you think you don’t, you do. One common misconjunction is that all dreams fall under one category, but in reality we have many different types of dreams that our subconscious uses to relay messages and images. Such as signal dreams, prophetic dreams, healing dreams, recurring dreams, nightmares, daydreams, epic dreams, and lucid dreams. But today I will be focusing mainly on the final four. In one case, you are not necessarily asleep when you are dreaming. In an action called daydreaming your mind creates dreams while you are awake. Day dreaming in a natural part of every human’s day-to-day lives, in-fact 96% of adult admit to day dreamin at least once a day. On average one day dream can last for 8-10 minutes and we spend one-third to one-half of our waking hours daydreaming. The reason we day dream in quite simple, an area of the brain called the “default network”, which becomes more active as the level of external stimulus decreases, will turn itself on and generate its own stimulation. It is often considered responsible for daydreaming or the technical term for such a product of the default network which is “stimulus
Dreams come in all shapes and forms. Every dream experience falls into one of the following categories: Prophetic Dreams, Release Dreams, Wish Dreams, Informative and Problem solving dreams, and Astral Visits. So many people take dreams for granted or think they do not mean anything, but they do. Dreams are incredible when you learn what they are, mean and why we dream at all.
Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will understand what insomnia is, what
As we lay ourselves down every night to put our bodies to rest, our brains begin doing something extraordinary. It begins piecing together images, creating scenarios, simulating sensory perception, and adding in emotions and fears. They can make us wake up with a smile on our face or in a cold sweat. Dreaming is such a strange and often inexplicable phenomenon, but something we all do just about every night. People have theorized the process and the utility of dreams for centuries. However, much of the accepted knowledge we have a bout dreams today is still only theory. In fact, hardly anything about the dreaming experience is concrete because it is an experience
Our dreams are objects of endless enchantment and mystery for mankind as far back as the beginning of time. The nocturnal
Imagine coming home from a long day at school and you have basketball practice in about half an hour. You’re super tired and you feel really drowsy…. Well of course the first thing that would come to your mind is take a nap. Therefore, you can recharge your body and you’ll be good to go. Now let me tell you whether it would help in your situation or not.
We spend six years of our lives in sleep and many of us do not think about what occurs while asleep. Everyone has experienced more than a few dreams while asleep, that is because, whether you know it or not, everyone dreams while asleep. Based off the Activation Information Mode Model theory, dreams are random neurological firings that have no particular meaning. The reason dreams feel so real and personal is because they are based from recent memories located in the brainstem. Although dreams are meaningless, our brain tries to make connections. Through the Activation Information Mode model people are able to analysis personal dreams.
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the long term effects of lack of sleep
Thesis/Central Idea: Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems, forgetting important information, and will have a negative impact on the outlook of life.
In Module 9 on the topic of Sleep and Dreams, was an interesting topic that was discussed in class as many people normally question why and how we dream. There isn’t a specific reason in how dreams are functioned but there are different interpretations and stereotypes that people think have meanings and others that don’t.
Title of Speech: The Importance of Sleep and the Effects It Can Have on Our Bodies
However, the true exact meaning of dreaming hasn 't been proven, there has been new ideas, different methods to advances to both a psychological, science understanding of when it began and how it functions. What some of the studies have concluded is that dreams are a certain phase of the brain 's activities, that the mind experiences while you are sleep; sounds, pictures, ideas, and feelings. Both psychologists and scientist have theorized that dreaming is made up of the person’s mind, that ranges from being rare, normal, scary, and ordinary.
The average human spends about 25 years of their life sleeping. That is equal to one-third of a person’s life. So if sleep is vital and common among every single human, what do you know about it? What happens when we sleep (Attention Grabber)? Before the 1950s, scientists believed that the brain would just “shut off” when we would go to sleep. It wasn’t until the discovery of the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) state that scientists really looked into what happens in the brain while we are asleep. Studies have found that we go through a cycle of stages during sleep, and it is important for our health (Orientation to Topic). Today, I am going to inform you about what really happens when we sleep, and some issues that are found among it (Specific Purpose). In order to really understand this worldwide commonality, you need to know some background on sleep, the stages in the cycle, and some common disorders (Central Idea). I have taken a year long psychology course that went into depth on sleep psychology, and I have done extensive research on the topic to better grasp it (Statement of Credibility). I want to inform you on sleep so you can understand what happens when you close your eyes every night, and so you can detect any irregularities in your sleep pattern (Statement of Goodwill). First, I will give a background of why and how we know to sleep, then I will explain the stages in the sleep cycle, and finally I will tell you about some common disorders (Preview).
Dreaming, although a substantial component of our nighttime lives, remains somewhat of an enigma due to the fact that it occurs while we are unconscious. The inaccessibility of the unconscious mind weakens full analysis and comprehension of dreaming which researchers have been attempting to accomplish. However, over the years many researchers have elucidated many mysteries about dreams, such as when we dream, why we dream, and what we dream about, in order to bring forth an understanding of dreams as well as identify
Are you tired and having trouble paying attention in class? Focusing on tasks at hand? Or just completely being overall unproductive? The average college student is deprived at least two full hours asleep each night according to “College Tidbits” a website designed to promote healthy lifestyles and productivity in daily college life. These results were pooled from multiple surveys done over hundreds of campuses throughout the United States. Today, I hope to persuade you to fight the statistics and get those extra two hours of sleep. Do what it takes to get the full seven to nine hours that is suggested by the Mayo Clinic. I will discuss two problems. Why college students are not
Most people joke around about how important sleep is and they say things like: “If I don’t sleep right now I might die!”. But many people don’t know how true that statement can be or how important sleep really is. The amount of sleep you get is important and how much sleep you need varies depending on your age. Even naps can help people that have unusual sleeping schedules. Sleeping and napping give you the energy you need to go through the day, but over sleeping or napping can make you even more tired than you were before. Sleeping and napping is a very important thing you need to do to be healthy, to have enough energy to go through the day, and help you be more focused throughout the day.