
Animal Abuse Research Paper

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Animals all around the world are getting beaten for no reason. Like owners that make their animals fight just so the can get money. Well that's wrong, animals are people too. But I am not saying that you need to become a vegetarian or anything, but I am saying that beating animals and making them fight so you can earn a couple extra bucks, is wrong. Also not only is the animal going to suffer, but most of the time the owner that beat the animal will get away with it and get in a bit of trouble. Why, because a lot of people just don’t care, they hear about it and think oh well I don’t know why people do that, and say that it needs to stop, but really the don’t care. Because I am a pet owner, this is why I think that it is super important …show more content…

Some animals have never even felt grass before. I found all of my information on this website, "Cruelty to animals." Most of the animals that are abused, do nothing wrong and it is just the owner of the animal. Also like I said before the dogs that are used for dog fighting are drugged so they can be more aggressive and will fight the other dogs, and these are just two reasons why you should stop animals abuse. Another reason is that the animals that are beaten never get treated for their cuts are broken bones, the animals either live with their injury the rest of their life or they die. Just think about a cute little dog or cat. Would you want that animal to get hurt. If you're a parent do you want your kids to get hurt? Do you just want to beat your kid till death? I found all of this ot by reading an article called "Suffer the Animals." We can stop animal abuse by joining together and donating money to an organization or joining a group and protest. That is why you need to help animals. They are beaten and torn down and soon might become extinct. But unlike the dinosaurs you can make a difference in how other people treat animals. What are you going to do to help?

There are a lot of ways to stop and prevent animals from being abused. First, we can have fundraisers to raise money. You're going to need money because

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