Animals all around the world are getting beaten for no reason. Like owners that make their animals fight just so the can get money. Well that's wrong, animals are people too. But I am not saying that you need to become a vegetarian or anything, but I am saying that beating animals and making them fight so you can earn a couple extra bucks, is wrong. Also not only is the animal going to suffer, but most of the time the owner that beat the animal will get away with it and get in a bit of trouble. Why, because a lot of people just don’t care, they hear about it and think oh well I don’t know why people do that, and say that it needs to stop, but really the don’t care. Because I am a pet owner, this is why I think that it is super important …show more content…
Some animals have never even felt grass before. I found all of my information on this website, "Cruelty to animals." Most of the animals that are abused, do nothing wrong and it is just the owner of the animal. Also like I said before the dogs that are used for dog fighting are drugged so they can be more aggressive and will fight the other dogs, and these are just two reasons why you should stop animals abuse. Another reason is that the animals that are beaten never get treated for their cuts are broken bones, the animals either live with their injury the rest of their life or they die. Just think about a cute little dog or cat. Would you want that animal to get hurt. If you're a parent do you want your kids to get hurt? Do you just want to beat your kid till death? I found all of this ot by reading an article called "Suffer the Animals." We can stop animal abuse by joining together and donating money to an organization or joining a group and protest. That is why you need to help animals. They are beaten and torn down and soon might become extinct. But unlike the dinosaurs you can make a difference in how other people treat animals. What are you going to do to help?
There are a lot of ways to stop and prevent animals from being abused. First, we can have fundraisers to raise money. You're going to need money because
Increased awareness regarding animal cruelty would benefit society, pet owners, and animals themselves. When a problem is identified, it becomes easier to work out solutions. Animal cruelty is an issue on a global scale; animal torture and neglect does not only exist in the United States. Animal cruelty is the “crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, usually a tame one, beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect that is so monstrous (withholding food and water) that the animal has suffered, died or been put in an imminent
As an animal lover, it pains me immensely to see an animal in distress. Animals subjected to abuse have no one to defend them, therefore humans need to speak out as their voices. Unfortunately, in our world, many people have a lack self-restraint and control; their defenceless animals become punching bags. I devote my life to helping animals in any way I can. Often times the abused horses and dogs sent to my barn require immense care and attention. I consistently provide the support these underprivileged animals crave. One cannot imagine the horrors that animals rescued and given to my property have faced, but my boundless love and guardianship always goes a vast way. Humans should strive to make eliminating animal
Animals are loved by many most especially the pet animals. We call them as our best friend and companion, we always play with them in our aluminum garage door in Tampa, taking a walk in the morning at the park and they even protect us in bad guys. But, there are people doesn't even care about them, they made these animals sentencing in to death. You know we can help them in many ways.
Over the centuries, animals have suffered from cruelty from humans. In the United States, animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Animals have been inflicted with pain from humans for reasons other than self-defense. They have been slaughtered for their food and fur for personal gain in profit. In a majority of cases they have even been abused for someone’s own personal amusement or out of rage filled impulses. In some cases animals are found and rescued. They are given the second chance in life to experience what life should be like compared to what they once had.
What is animal abuse? For starters, animal abuse is when a person inflicts suffering or harm on any animal. Most people, all over the world own an animal; but there are still far more animals left out on the street. Homeless animals are either left out on the streets or are “thrown” into shelters. This became a problem because not all animals are domesticated. Animal shelters began as pounds. “When the system began to be used to impound wandering dogs and cats, these animals were often killed because little monetary value was placed on them” (Lila Miller, Animal sheltering in the United States: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, 1) . This issue persists because shelter workers and others truly believe that an animal life has no value, but that is not true; animals are living beings just like humans with brains, hearts, and bones. A reported case was that “authorities had seized 23 puppies, 11 cats, and four adult dogs from a self-processed animal “rescue” after they were found in the “rescuer’s” filthy home.” (‘No-Kill’ Label Slowly Killing Animals, 3). This means that an unauthorized person hoarded many animals and forced the animals into an unsafe “shelter”. The shelter being a dirty home.
Two large reasons people abuse animals are A) The person experienced abuse or bullying themselves and B) They have it set in their mind because of maybe what they weren’t taught growing up to be mindful of animals. When a person is bullied and abused they tend to find some way to vent and some of them find this venting process in mistreating animals. The other reason, not being taught when growing up, is also common. When someone isn’t taught not to do something, it’s only natural that they don’t know not to do it; they don’t think what they are doing is wrong. So if we want to even slightly reduce animal abuse we need to stop bullying others so that they don’t, in turn, bully animals, and be sure to teach everyone starting at a young age that abusing an animal is cruel and
You may be wondering, how can I help, or, why should I help? Helping to stop animal cruelty and to spread the word about animal rights can also save humans too. Believe it or not, many animals become more aggressive after suffering from animal cruelty, which can lead to animals biting and scratching humans. Giving even a little money to your local humane society can help organizations rescue animals from animal cruelty, and can help trainers train the dogs to be more loving towards humans before being put up for adoption. If you don 't have money to give, you could volunteer to work at your humane society and care for all the animals in need of
However, the people who do these things only get a misdemeanor and a fine, maybe even some jail time. This issue is not very concerning to some people, but it should be a very big issue. For example, an event in Georgia involved a dog sitting in a hot vehicle with all the windows rolled up. A veteran man saw the dog in there and broke out one of the windows to save the dog, however, it is illegal to break a car window to save a dog in the state of Georgia. Therefore, the man was arrested and the lady who left the dog in the car was only given a fine. This is insane! Animal cruelty needs to be heard about worldwide and people need to realize that they are hurting a creature who can have or feel emotions just as we can! So if we would not hurt another human, why would you hurt a defenseless
Today in the world, people are thinking abusing their animals or pets is okay. They think hitting, slapping, stabbing, and kicking an animal is okay. Just because the law does not say that abusing an animal is wrong, does not make it right. People cannot just hurt an innocent animal. Everyone always hears that pit bulls are such horrible animals, but they just think they are. I have met some pit bulls that are the sweetest dogs. Jesus says, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge according with righteous judgement.” Jesus says do not judge. Therefore, people should not judge types of animals. When people seem to judge animals, they usually start abusing them, when the animal gets near them. People in the world, that abuse animals, need to be aware that this is seriously
There are many animals who deal with abuse everyday, and that is not okay. If an animal is neglected or abused the pet will be taken away and the caretaker will be charged $1,500. Animals are very loyal, such as dogs, dogs are one of the most loyal animals you can own. When abused, they don’t know where they went wrong. They only know that you are mad at them. Animals, such as humans, shouldn’t be abused or neglected. Most animals who are abused or neglected are usually abused unintentionally, but the second most are abused on purpose. The people who abuse animals on purpose sometimes deal with mental illnesses, were abused as children, or have a hard time dealing with stress or anger. Animals are just like humans who have been abused. They are usually skittish and shy. People tend to see animals differently than humans, but they are the same in my eyes. For example, if I locked you in my basement, starved, and beat you, I’d be charged with attempted murder and kidnapping. Pets have the same rights as you to live freely, but people don’t see it. You are able to live on your own and take care of yourself, but they
Some people think it is harder for animals when they are abused because they cannot defend themselves. If this is true, why shouldn’t you help to make things better and easier for them? Any person, child and adult, can help out just by getting involved with local humane
Animal Cruelty is becoming a very large problem that needs to be taken care of. Animal Cruelty is largely in certain “activities”, such as circuses, dog shows, dog fighting, and even zoos. Although people find this to be entertaining, interesting, and something out of the ordinary, it is still something that is causing harm to these animals and needs to be stopped. These “wild” animals are still animals, animals that have feelings, ones that don’t deserve to be tortured. How would you feel if someone locked you in a cage for the rest of your life, forced you to perform in front of crowds, whacked you when you weren’t doing what you were supposed to, hit you when you messed up?
People shouldn’t have any rights to abuse or neglect animals and get away with it easily. Animal abuse is a big conflict because some people get away with these acts in which they don’t get punished or little punishment while the animals don’t get to live happy lives and suffer. Hiding in pain that these occurrences that happened to them with procide over and over again. However, in the article “Frequently Asked Questions About Animal Cruelty” by The Humane Society of the United States, it states that “ Animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed, or under the control of others. The motive may be to shock, threaten, intimidate, or offend others or to demonstrate rejection of society's rules. Some who are cruel to animals copy acts they have seen or that have been done to them. Others see harming an animal as a safe way to get revenge against—or threaten—someone who cares about that animal.” (The Humane Society of the United States, 2017) This states that there are reasons why people do what they do to the animals but it still doesn’t give them the right to harm or mistreat them. The article also states that
In our world today, there are countless numbers of homeless animals. Every year, millions of animals are abused. Of those, thousands don't make it. According to the UN, 200 species go extinct every day. In the US alone, more than 1 million animals are run over every day. These are just some the cruel realities that exist in our current state. It may be too late for some, but there is still time, still hope for others. We need to invest more in preventing animal cruelty before it’s too late. We need to speak for those who don't have a voice of their own.
What would you do if you saw someone hurting an animal? Most of you probably would not know what you should REALLY do. Good morning (afternoon) teachers, and fellow students. Today, I will be talking to you about animal abuse and cruelty. Specifically, I will discuss cats and dogs being abused, because they are the most abused domestic animals. Domestic means that these are types of animals you can have in your home.