
Persuasive Speech About Water Pollution

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Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to provide a persuasive speech on the issue of water pollution and inaccessibility to clean water in third world countries and offer some plausible solutions. The three solutions are filtration systems, chlorination, and collection grids. I. Introduction A. Attention Material: Imagine your outside in July, on a hot Arizona day and youre thirsty for water. You go to the kitchen and fill up a glass and notice the glass is dirty. Someone forgot to turn on the dishwasher and there’s soap residue as well as some crusting milk at the bottom. What do you do? Pour the water out and get your self a different cup, right? What if you didn’t have the luxury of being able to get a new cup, and that dirty …show more content…

Credibility Statement: I’ve worked with relief groups to provide clean water overseas by using water filtration systems to combat inaccessibility to clean water. Due to this and extensive research on the topic, C. Thesis/Central Idea: Accessibility to clean water is a global issue that can greatly reduced through water filtration, chlorination, and collection grids. D. Preview Statement: I will be sharing information from my research by elaborating on the following: 1. Water filteration systems and tools as one solution to unclean water. 2. Using chlorination as the second solution to reducing access to unclean water. 3. Obtaining collection grids as the third solution to the problem. 4. What people can do to help. (Transition: To better understand the solutions to this issue, let us discuss exactly what drinking unclean water looks like and what it can do.) II. Body A. Main Point: Third world countries lack accessibility to clean water exposing them to disease and harmful toxins that result in 2.4 million deaths annually (Bartram, 2010). 1. Drinking unclean water can result in the contraction of diseases, sickness, and even death. According to, diarrhea, arsenicosis, cholera, and fluorosis are three main diseases that can arise from drinking unclean

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