
Persuasive Speech About Singlish

Good Essays

II. Introduction
George Carlin, a Grammy-winning American stand-up comedian, actor, author, and philosopher, once said, “‘Meow’ means ‘woof’ in cat.” This means, any language, has a purpose and an impact on the people or things around us. With the rise of many new and different languages like Esperanto and Singlish, many people have mixed opinions about these languages. In the portfolio, I will be tacking the whole issue on Singlish, whether it should be allowed or not, since it is related to our society and because of the rising use of Singlish in this generation.
I was inspired to write and research on this topic as my school had an English week where we were taught more about English and the languages around us. One of them was Singlish. …show more content…

Difficulties that stems because of the fundamental differences that distinguishes one student from another. The popular kid versus the unpopular kid, the athletic versus the non-athletic. And whether we like it or not, these differences often present itself as barriers that would invariably prevent students from getting to know one another. In order to transcend these 'barriers' we must find a common experience that transcends, race, socioeconomic background or gender. We need to overcome these obstacles or Singapore would not be able to be bonded as one. Singlish is a way we can move beyond these surface differences and bind people together. According to a 2005 research conducted by linguists from NUS, 64% of the 1200 secondary school students surveyed expressed that the use of Singlish in their interactions with their peers had better allowed them to connect and understand each …show more content…

It is represented in the Acronym
Educating the public
When using Singlish in school, I recommend that students and teachers exercise control while using Singlish. They need to know when is the right time and the right place to use Singlish. Also, they cannot speak Singlish all the time. They need to know the difference between acceptable/ standard English and Singlish. Just like how they know the difference between Chinese and English. When greeting someone, for instance, one must use Standard English or it will seen rude and such habits are negative in the working world when they grow up.
When we live in a multicultural nation, a colloquial language like Singlish is unavoidable. We can only teach what should be used. I recommend that talks and activities should be carried out drawing the line between Singlish and Standard English. I do recognize that these programmes would not ban Singlish, but banning Singlish is not wanted but in fact only needed to be known. Once again, we only need everyone to know the time to use Singlish.
2. Perspective of these

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