By Ricardo Villar
As technology progresses, so do the needs and wants of people, societies, and governments. Since the first car was created in 1885 by Karl Benz, there have been significant improvements over time such as the brake, radio, air-conditioning, seat belt, and air bag. In today’s world, the use of self-driving cars has progressed from a dream into a reality. Companies like BMW and Tesla have already implemented the self-driving feature into their cars. The use of self-driving cars will continue to become more popular and will eventually become an essential part of society.
The purpose of this persuasive paper is to analyze the advantages, disadvantages and future of self-driving cars and to invite the audience to support the self-driving car industry by voicing their public opinion. Specifically, the following questions will be answered:
1. What are the advantages of self-driving cars?
2. What are the disadvantages of self-driving cars?
3. What is the future of self-driving cars?
The findings of this persuasive paper will come mostly from periodical publications published in the last two year.
Advantages of Self-Driving Cars
With the world’s roads becoming more fast-paced and dangerous, there is hope at the end of the tunnel for drives, passengers, and civilians. Fortunately, we live in a time in which technology makes dreams become a reality. The idea of self-driving cars first started in the 1920s and has been slowly progressing until now.
Current Advantages—According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (2016), “The Nation lost 35,092 people in crashes on U.S. roadways during 2015, an increase from 32,744 in 2014.” Self-driving cars would eliminate driver error, which is primarily caused by alcohol, drugs, and aggressive driving (Naughton, 2016). Other forms of driver error include texting and driving, not looking in your blind spot, running a red light and not figuring out who has the right of way.
Many accidents are also caused by the driver’s inattentiveness or slow reaction time. Many cars with brands like Tesla, BMW and Audi already have self-driving assistance. This feature allows cars to maintain speed making it a more emissive
In this article, Robertson discusses the technological method behind the self-driving cars and how effective the technology will be in the future. First, he mentions how people of his age will never be able to adapt and keep up with the modern technology. Secondly, A question and answer advisory about self-driving cars are presented. He mentions how the car functions by emitting sound waves that bounce off a moving object and return to the self-driving car. He aware the readers by presenting the audience with the details overview of technology systems that make the car works.
Self driving vehicles is a huge change in our society. We are taking the next step into the future and creating something bigger than ever. Driverless cars can be a good thing and a bad thing in todays society. We depend on so many things now, the older we get and the more time goes on, the lazier we get. Being Americans, we are putting our thoughts and ideas to the ultimate test to create something so dangerous but so efficient. We have thought of ideas that would make our lives "easier" and less stressful. In this paper I will describe how driverless cars work, the current problems and setbacks that we are having, and how this new technology is being put to use today.
1.2 million people die on the road each year, equivalent to a 737 plane falling out of the sky every hour. In 94% of the cases, the cause is human error. Self-driving cars can completely take away the factor of human error. Driverless cars are a fantastic idea, they can prevent accidents, reduce time of transportation and give people more free time while traveling.
Are Americans ready for cars that can drive themselves?, will it be safe for “ai’s” on the road instead of normal human drivers?, and how will this be beneficial to traffic, crashes, and time? In the Newsela article, “pro/con: self-driving cars are just around the corner. Is it a good thing?”, By Tribune News Service, Self-driving cars remove many of the human mistakes that cause injuries and deaths. Self-driving cars can also help disabled and elderly people get from place to place on their own. The self-driving cars that are now being developed use many forms of technology to drive themselves. Radar, cameras and other devices are used to "see" the world around the car. Advanced computer systems drive the car from one destination to another without any help from humans. Self-driving cars offer such a wealth of advantages that it makes little difference whether Americans are ready. Americans need to get ready. Self-driving cars will soon be in their rearview mirrors.
Self- Driving Cars Intro-(NOT FINISHED) As our world modernizes, technology is taking a vital role, especially in the automotive and transportation industries. Picture yourself playing your favorite phone game, reading a book, or even checking social media while you are out on the road. Well, you are probably thinking, who in the world is going to be on the wheel?
Have you ever been extremely late for school or your occupations and wish you could just get ready in the car? Automotive cars are planned to come out sometime in the near future of the year 2020. I know this new technological advancement seems scary, but with the ways it will benefit us remarkable. Self-driving cars would impact our advanced society in many positive ways because the streets would become less congested, the innovations for cars have worked before, and the amount of deaths would be lessened.
Self-driving cars are something that’s new, it’s something that has only just been implemented in the past few years, and will be continually implemented and improved upon. Currently autonomous cars are limited to actions such as parallel parking, brake assist, and lane detection. In the near future experts are predicting fully autonomous self-driving cars with little to no human interaction. Currently self-driving vehicles are described from levels 0-4, 0 being no automated assistance, to level 4 where the car can “perform all safety‐critical driving functions and monitor roadway
Self-driving cars are very useful in many ways. For example, self-driving cars can prevent crashes because most crashes are because of human error, and there are no ways for a self- driving car can get “distracted”. However, self-driving cars have some limitations to what they can do, and makers can access to these situations quite easily.
Self driving cars will be sure-enough useful in the world today; and in the future. “Is it time to hop in self-driving cars?” written by Tribune News Service. “New technology can control a car's speed, keep it in its lane and help with parking.” One may be blind; today, technology will advance vehicles to drive one that may be blind. “Vehicular accidents also send about 2.5 million injured people to hospitals each year.” says “Tribune News Service”; self driven vehicles will stop crashes; and even stop death due to cars.
Although car accidents have decreased in the past few decades due to measures such as antilock brakes and airbags being put into place, road accidents have always pushed for a safer and a more effective plan to decrease congestion through infrastructure and transportation. With the increasing numbers of vehicles on the road today, it is not surprising to encounter a heavy traffic or an accident on the road caused by congestion. Therefore, in the past few years, self-driving cars have emerged as a solution to these road issues. In the article “Self-driving cars are coming, and the technology promises to save lives” by Ucilia Wang makes clear the prospect that advocators of driverless automobiles holds. In the article, the central premise is
Driverless vehicles, or the self-driving car, is defined as any car with features that allow it to accelerate, brake, and steer a car’s course with limited or no driver interaction (BI Intelligence par.4). When most people hear the term “driverless vehicle”, people instantly think cars that drive all by themselves, meaning that the vehicles are able to completely control themselves while the driver can sit back in the driver’s seat as if they were the passenger. The reality is that it will actually be a few years before fully self-automated vehicles will make their debut on the road, but for now the car companies and manufacturers are adding self-driving features of the latest models of cars. For example, the 2016 BMW i3 has the capability to self-park itself without the need of the driver to control the steering wheel. This reduces the risk of the driver hitting another vehicle while
Horses have been pulling carts for hundreds of years. Passengers never had to put in effort when their “drivers” remembered the way home, but manually operated cars have changed everything; drivers have to constantly make decisions and be paying attention. Now, however, a solution has arisen in the self-driving car. It is like having your own personal chauffeur whenever you need them, making it fun and relaxing to reach your destination. The idea of self-driving cars is growing increasingly popular as science continues to evolve.
Continuous advancements in technology have led to the development of knowledge as well as new discoveries. With new discoveries comes differing opinions which is what has resulted from the discovery of driverless cars. Rather than just a solemn dream; as driverless cars have become a developing reality, it has sprouted a wide range of differing opinions. Self driven cars may sound like a luxury for most, but they exhibit various negative factors. With the use of driverless cars traffic congestion increases and legal issues arise which highlights some of the major negative aspects of implementing this new technology.
New innovated technology is rising for the automotive industry; self-driving cars are going to be a new way transportation. With new technology already placed in newer model cars like Honda Civics and Tesla’s Model X, for example, have accelerating and breaking without the interaction of the driver. Slowly the demand is increasing for self- driving vehicles in businesses. Since self-driving cars is going to be new for society to get accustomed to, there will be a lot of challenges in regards to its safety, costs, environment, regulations and infrastructure.
(Poczter & Jankovic, 2014) The major reason for this development is to reduce the number of accidents and to make roads safer. Autonomous cars is considered a disruptive technology and has very high potential for success. This article aims to highlight the benefits, risks involved and the future of this technology.