
Persuasive Essay Why Do We Sleep

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Why Do We Sleep? Michaela A. McCaa English 12B January 31, 2017 How much do you like to sleep? Are you up at five like the birds or are you like my friend Lexi who sleeps till noon or later? I personally can not sleep past 8:30-9:00 but have I have a friend who can sleep till noon or all day. Why do we sleep? Why do people feel like they need more sleep than others? Do people need to take medicine for more sleep or to go to sleep? Does the medicine help them? What is a cure for people who can not sleep? What are the disorders called? How can they be helped? This paper will explain why humans need sleep and what medicines they will have to take to help them sleep and what is it called for them not to be able to sleep. Hopefully after you have read this paper you will know a lot more about why you need sleep …show more content…

All of the information you have received through that day doesn’t just directly be logged into your brain it it takes a few steps and all of theses steps happen when you go to sleep. Through the night a process called “consolidation” happens little pieces of memories go to different places called short term memory and long term. Many researchers have done shown that when you wake up you retain the memories from the day before, that you will perform a lot better on a memory task. For your body to restore and rejuvenate you need from seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Your body doesn’t only need sleep to store all of the memories, it also helps grow muscles, repair tissues, and helps synthesize hormones. If you don’t get enough sleep you will go into sleep deprived after a while of not getting enough sleep you will go into “sleep debt” and it’s a good idea to take a day off and build your sleep back up so you won’t be in sleep deprived no more. The best sleep habits is to have a healthy routine no matter what the age is, you need to meet your sleep needs every night so you'll be on

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