
Persuasive Essay : The Importance Of Volunteering In A Community

Decent Essays

Volunteering in a community is not an easy endeavor. Most people would assume it’s easy, but depending on the place, the type of work, and resources available, volunteering could become a full-time job. With that being said it is one of the most life changing and rewarding projects you can take on. I’m aware of this because I have been raised with firm moral guidelines of the importance of helping others. Since my you my mother and father has been an example of this. My dad helps with the homeless, teaches Sunday school, helps at the food bank, gives rides to and from doctor appointment without being paid. My mother is a nurse at a healthcare facility that is mostly elderly people. I grew up seeing little old people that didn’t have anyone to care about them and the importance that another person can make in someone’s life. I guess volunteering is in my blood.
One example would be a food bank, that is the one I chose. People don’t realize exactly how much work goes into funding and maintaining a food bank. There are many details and volunteers that it takes to keep the operation running smoothly. First, you must have people and organizations who care and donate funds. At our food bank we have five churches of all denominations who assist with the funding. Next, someone needs to be in charge. A person needs to order the food, then there’s storage, packing food boxes, checking people in, maintaining order during pick-ups. People are needed to direct traffic and negotiate

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