
Persuasive Essay: Random Drug Testing In Schools

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For the past 60 years drugs have found the mainstream among teenagers, especially ages 14-19. High schoolers often delve themselves into the use of drugs shortly after starting high school. Often pressured to do it by upper classmen. Whether it is marijuana, LSD, Ecstasy, or MDMA, kids will experiment with them. Schools all across the USA are drug testing students at random times throughout the school year, and are putting kids into trouble that do not deserve it! Students should only be drug tested if they are in possession of an illegal drug, or are not sober at the time school is taking place. What are schools trying to do by randomly testing students? They know that teenagers will be involved in some partying over the weekend, and that …show more content…

They can’t just randomly test any student, but courts have ruled that those who are in sports or after-school organizations can be tested because participation in these activities is a privilege and not a right. The good intentions of those who have formulated such policies across the United States, including the school district where I teach, cannot be questioned. They know that drugs are a significant problem with today’s youth and they want to do something about it. Random testing is not the answer. Those who have opposed this approach often cite invasion of privacy. That is a genuine concern. Students who would never even dream of using drugs are treated like common criminals. No probable cause is needed. If you want to be in a sport or compete in debate or participate in marching band, you are going to be tested. This is not the American way. But that is not the main reason I oppose random drug testing. Simply put — we have no evidence that it works and at least anecdotal evidence to indicate that it doesn’t. For every student who stops taking drugs cold turkey to be in an activity, I hear of students whose use of drugs is likely minimal, but who don’t participate in extracurricular activities for fear that they will fail the drug test. In other words, students who

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