Chimpanzees swing from trees at the Lincoln zoo in Chicago. Cheetahs run and play at the National zoo in D.C. Giant Pandas Eat Pounds and pounds of bamboo at the San Diego zoo. They all have one thing in common. They Are all Endangered of disappearing from their natural habitat, and zoos are trying to protect and save these animals. Zoos across the country are changing these days to do research on animals, help protect endangered, and Educate young viewers.
For to long the world has ignored China's Speciesism and it's repugnant miscynist citizens living inside and outside this vile country
Zoos may seem fun to visit and exciting to see the animals; but what you don’t see is the suffering and depression that lies in these helpless creatures. There are many arguments whether or not zoos are good or bad, and if they should be removed or kept. Several think that zoos should be abolished or at least very much improved, due to animal cruelty. While, others want zoos to stay because it is beneficial for the animals and people. I strongly believe that zoos aren’t good for both the public and animals for numerous reasons.
The zoo is a popular place for families and people of all ages to visit, especially, in the Chicagoland area, where our two zoos: Brookfield and Lincoln Park, are a favorite for families to visit all year long. However, there is a controversy over zoos: whether they’re humane or not. For example, in 2016, Harambe, a gorilla, was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo after a three-year-old child climbed into the enclosure. Harambe sparked debate over whether animals should be held in captivity and the standard of care at zoos.
Animal shelters are overflowing, some euthanizing dogs just because they no longer have the resources to care for these animals, yet people are still buying their dogs from the pet store. When getting a new dog, adopt it from the animal shelter rather than buying it from a pet store.
Smallpox, Polio, Insulin, Rubella, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Cardiac Pacemaker, Tetanus, Penicillia, Organ transplants, Blood transfusions and many more are all medical breakthroughs that have all be tested on animals to see if they will make humans better ( facts on animal research). If it wasn’t for animal testing than millions of people would have died, so many people were getting sick and dieing and no one knew why so by using different mixtures of chemicals a scientist was able to create vaccines that were first tested on animals to make sure that they are safe to use. Many of the household products such as lipstick, mascara, shampoo and cologne that we use in our everyday life are tested on animals first in order to see if they are safe
When I started to volunteer at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa I didn’t think very much of it. I needed volunteer hours and I love animals so I thought it could be fun to go out there and see what I could do to help. It was also an opportunity for me to hang out with a few friends. At that moment I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Now I do.
Did you ever think what might happen to the animals who live at the zoos if we got rid of zoos? Because I believe that zoos should stay, I know some people may think zoos should no longer be around. But zoos are good for many reasons, and some of those reasons are that they are educational, they are a safe place for endangered animals, and they help animals. Also they are the reason some endangered animals aren't going extinct. Plus did you ever think what might happen to the animals who live there? Or what might happen to the endangered animals with out them. Theas are the the reasons zoos should stay and if you keep reading you will understand more.
This photo from the World Wildlife Fund is apart of a series of similar photos. In these other photos the bluefin tuna are wearing rhinoceros and gorilla masks. For some reason these pandas and other creatures are the “mainstream” endangered animals. People seem to care more about these animals even though the bluefin tuna is actually in more danger. But, why? Is it because they are cuter? Nicer? More known?
Zoos in America are often seen as a part of the “American dream” but they hold a deeper tragic truth behind them. When you think of zoos you probably envision visiting one with your family and seeing animals that you may have never seen in person in your lifetime but what you fail to think about are the factors in zoos. Many zoos are unfit places for animals to live and this needs to be changed. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the authority holder on all zoos regulations and to make zoos fit places for animals to live we must force them to make a change. The USDA needs to increase regulations in zoos to decrease negative health effects in animals, improve integration processes to release animals back into the wild and to reconfigure habitats to get animals closer to their natural environment.
Imagine doing nothing wrong. Then being grabbed and slung into a cell barely big enough to turn around in. Just when the prisoner thinks about going mad, someone comes along and takes them out. Freedom they think, but no! Now ending up pinned down eyes clamped open with something cold that burns like hellfire is poured into the eyes. Trying to move but just can’t. Animals can only wonder why…. Animal cruelty is a growing problem in today’s society, and it needs to be stopped as soon as possible.
Almost all living things have a cycle or a system which they are part of. Most species depend upon each other. “The U.S. for service like parts of the human body, to make functioning hole.” That basically means like a human body to work together with all of its organs humans need animals to work together that way we can all survive. Should we prevent excessive hunting and poaching to help our environment and the fate of the human existence. I think the answer is yes! Saving most of these endangered species have become crucial.
Endangered species can change a habitat due to their role in the environment. The EPA helps protect these endangered species with the help of National and State Parks in the United States. Each endangered species has different factors of why it is becoming endangered. Endangered species are sometimes caused by their loss of habitat. Reasons for the endangerment of a species can vary greatly from their loss of habitat to high genetic vulnerability to invasive species. Rapid climate change contributes to the endangerment of many arctic wildlife. The Endangered Species Act and the Endangered Protection Agency protects endangered and threatened species.
With nearly millions of animals dying each year from being captive, or endangered species being hunted down and killed, we need to discover a new way of displaying that our world is full of beautiful animals and wildlife. Wild animals are suffering both physically and mentally from the lack of freedom that confinement imposes. These harmful environments are preventing animals from having the opportunity to live in, and be exposed to their natural habitats. Keeping animals imprisoned in cages and small enclosures just for the sake of human observation causes stress and frustration, which is risking animals overall health and well being. These morally unacceptable and cruel actions of retaining wild animals in captivity is certainly wrong.
In today’s modern society, humans have made countless improvements to our way of life with the introduction of laws and ideas that makes life easier. But as we progress, we need to keep in mind that there are other living, breathing individuals that are affected by the choices of humans. Plants and wildlife also bear the burden that comes with changes in the environment. Activities that humans engage in can have an affect many times greater on wildlife. Activities like deforestation for housing developments or overfishing to provide for a high demand of seafood. Drilling for oil and natural minerals destroys the ground that plants use for soil to grow and, in turn, limits the hospitability of an environment for animals to thrive. Many
Poaching, when thought about the main focus is to think about deer, elephants, or rhinos. But what is the actual definition? Poaching is defined as “the illegal practice of trespassing on another’s property to hunt or steal game without the landowner’s permission,” but how does a person steal game from a forest? There has been some addition to what falls under poaching, now what is included in the term is wild plants. Poaching is such a lucrative business, the income overall is estimated to be worth $70-213 billion a year, the money is such a desirable aspect to get involved, but is the extinction of an animal race a good enough reason? The money will always be there, however, these animals may not. It is something that happens all the time at many different rates, the more common the animal or large and exotic it is, the more likely it is to be poached. The pangolin, even though they are hardly known in the United States, has been huge on the poaching scale in Africa and Asia, with China being their main buyers. Making legislation to help safeguard these animals is hard because it is not like you can put a fence around them in hopes it would ward off poachers. Though Congress has tried to make strides in helping protect them by insisting that all species of the pangolin, which is 8, be put on the endangered animals list. This, in turn, adds even more of a consequence to those who try to hunt them.