
Persuasive Essay On Why Guns Are Bad

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Guns? A monumental topic in today's society is if we American citizens should get rid of our guns. It has been in debate and there are many different opinions out there on this particular topic. Many feel as though life would be better without guns. However, we live in a world that calls for such weapons to exist.

On February 14, 2018, there was a mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas Highschool in Flordia. There were seventeen people killed and there were also people who were wounded. This shook our country to its very core. Since this took place, many people have called for gun reforms. Many feel as though they should be gone completely, and others, such as myself, feel the opposite. I personally believe that it should be harder for criminals to get their hands …show more content…

That way may end up being more destructive than a gun. There are many people out there that use guns for the protection of themselves and their loved ones. That right should never be taken. The Second Amendment to the Constitution gives us people the right to bear arms for a reason. The very foundation of our country is based on the people having freedom. We, the people, were given the right to bear arms so we could protect ourselves and our natural rights as human beings. This right was given to us by our founding fathers so if the government ever tried to take total control, we would still have some means to protect ourselves. I cannot help but feel as though taking the guns out of the equation would make everything much worse. I do not think that banning the guns is going to help at all, I believe that violence and chaos would spread. If the guns are taken, the only people who would still have them are the criminals and the government. I do not know about you, but that just does not sound right to me. Like I said before, if someone truly wants to kill, they will find a way to do so. Even if they do not have a gun, there are many other ways to kill people. They could build a bomb, which is far

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