Have you ever thought of owning a gun?These weapons are used everyday in combat against other countries and also by police officers in situations where they feel their life is in danger.We expect so little from actual citizens when they acquire a weapon, then we wonder why there's such a high number of murderers and many massacres happening around us,owning a weapon is a great responsibility especially for those with children for the fact that their has been cases in which children have died in the past for handling a gun left in a unsafe place.
Initially, Owning a gun for the sake of our safety and that of our loved ones can be a good reason as to why someone could own a gun, it essential so when you have someone breaking into your house or threatening the life of your family, but having this at an unsafe place could be really tragic for the simplicity that any young kid could see it as a toy and may point it at someone and accidentally hurt them or even more seriously kill them we as state should enforce a law that if something like this ever happens we should hold the person which the weapon is registered to accountable for the accidental deaths caused by their weapon.
As you and your family walk through the store, a man dressed all in black walks in and pulls out an assault rifle and starts firing. People fall to the ground, including your mother, killed by the raging bullets. You and your surviving family hide, hoping to not be seen by the gunman. By this time the Police have arrived, ending the carnage. You were lucky, although others were not. Reports later prove this man was mentally ill and was able to acquire weapons without questioning. How could this of happened to your family and countless other families? The answer is the lack of gun control.
Gun ownership is embedded in the fabric of America. The United States has the highest gun ownership rate in the world with 88 guns per 100 people. This is a staggering amount of firearms in the U.S. which our forefathers would 've never imagined when writing the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Not everyone interprets this right the same way. Regulating and restricting the use of these firearms brings up opposing sentiments from those in favor of gun control and those who oppose
Bang. Bang. The shots rang out. When the state trooper arrived on scene he immediately took cover and began firing. As bullets flew through the air, pedestrians screamed in horror, and multiple lives were being taken all the police officer could think about was saving as many beating hearts as possible. Seven beautiful souls were lost that day, four innocent bystanders and three members of law enforcement. As the responding trooper observed his surroundings his breath was taken away; seven lives were ended entirely too soon, because a group of escaped inmates had easy access to guns. Nobody prepared for the storm. Gun control is preparing for the storm, which is requiring medical records before purchasing a firearm, holding stronger laws for gun shows and auctions, and pushing police to take accusations seriously. We as citizens of the United States of America must love our country enough to take the necessary precautions that are needed to ensure a safe country.
t home, there are still many challenges, many of which reside in the mindset of Americans and the protections of the Constitution. An example of this is gun control. While American’s have a right to own a gun, does that include military/police grade weapons? Who can have access to guns? Is that a restriction of the 2nd amendment? These are all questions we must ask ourselves today. I believe that In America, while you have the right to bear arms it must be taken in the context of the time it was written. The second amendment reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The founders intended that the 2nd amendment was not for
A new law enforcement is being effective since January 1, 2016 that requires BB and airsoft guns sold in California to include fluorescent markings to distinguish them from real firearms. The Senate Bill 199 is being authorized and passed by Senator Kevin de Leon, District of Los Angeles. The purpose of the law is the safety of the citizens, but primarily children and teenagers. There are being cases in the past were accidentally police officers have shot people after mistaking the toy guns they were carrying for real ones. Thus, the bright marking colors in the gun will prevent future tragedies, which is the goal of lawmakers and police officers. Today with all the new advance technology, gun companies are making BB guns and airsoft guns to
I am a gun advocate. I own guns. I shoot guns. My dad is a hunter. We have over 35 guns and 5,000 rounds of ammunition in a gun safe, in my house. None of these guns are assault weapons. None can fire hundreds of rounds in a matter of minutes. None were designed solely to kill people. However, millions of assault weapons have been manufactured and sold in the past ten years. An unknown number are now in the hands of fanatics who will use them to kill people for effect. The massacres in Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs Church, Pulse Nightclub, and Sandy Hook Elementary School were all committed with lawfully protected assault rifles.The constitutional protection of the right to bear arms has inadvertently fostered an environment of perpetual danger that has become an accepted social normality.
Excluding most suicides, at least 15,549 people were killed by guns in the United States in the year of 2017. (“Gun Deaths Increased in 2017, thetrace.com.) Over 15,000 people were killed in one year how many of those people would be alive today if it weren’t for guns, or how many more would be killed if it weren’t for guns. Will banning all guns result in less violence in America? Will taking away guns increase violence in America? In tackling this tough subject we will look at the Second Amendment, along with the definition of Gun Control. Also we will touch on the accessibility of guns, gun deaths compared to other tools, and America compared to other countries regarding gun deaths.
What I would like to talk about today is gun control and how there should be stricter gun control laws. The widespread availability of guns is frightening and wrong. Guns are a very dangerous object, that causes a lot of damage. Almost twelve kids lose their lives every single day due to guns. Most recently 17 people were killed by a gunman (who was a fellow student at the high school) at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida. It is hard to imagine the horror of my fellow classmates being killed by a gun. It is saddening think of the terror and pain that the parents and family members of these 17 people endured once they heard the news. Many other related acts of gun violence have brought up issues on gun control. Debates
The second Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Throughout the past, that sentence has caused excessive debate. The controversialist is that some citizens claim that a gun control policy is unconstitutional, although other disagree and says that it is necessary in order to minimize crime. Now, what does gun control mean? If it means to examine who is accountable enough to own a gun by a “Worldwide background check”;that sounds ethical to anybody. But in article “Congress blocked Obama’s call for new gun laws after mass shootings.” Obama states “we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.” Which was referred to the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting that had 26 victims involved, 20 being children that were executed and severely injured which happened on Dec 14, 2012 . Before that Obama's first term record was more focused on gun right than control. In 2010, he signed a bill allowing Amtrak passengers to pack guns in their luggage and carry loaded firearms into national parks. Ruin his 2012 reelection campaign, Obama said he wanted to work toward reintroducing a federal assault weapons ban, because “ Weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets. A firearm gives you the power, to defend yourself or to kill someone else. You choose your destiny of what your going to do. The constitution gives you the right to bear arms and any law that tries to revoke this is unconstitutional. If the citizens agree to gun control it will be like giving the key to a brutal government but at the end of the day guns are not the problem, people are. An unarmed civilization is in danger of being distressed by its own government, but an armed civilization can cause harm within its own citizens. Most citizens think that gun control is a solution to fight crime. After that lethal event at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, the gun control topics became very fragile because of the 26 victims that lost their lives. Supporters of gun control claim that if there were no guns on the
Currently gun control has been amidst one of the most thought of debates not only in recent times, but also in prior occasions. The mass shootings occurring more-often lately have fueled the altercation pertaining to one subject, gun control. Gun control may have many different meanings, or descriptions varying from person to person. One may think that gun control is banning guns all together, banning a certain category of weapons, or banning certain items like high capacity magazines, and flash suppressors. All of these would be forms of gun control, but the true meaning of gun control, as stated by an online article What Gun Control Could Look Like, “Gun control would allow citizens in the United States to still purchase firearms, but there would be reasonable regulations on firearms” (Greenblat). This statement introduces the idea that gun control would not be banning guns, but banning items that are unnecessary for civilians to have possession of. Banning all guns cannot happen because it would be infringing upon the second amendment, the right to bear arms. The second amendment cannot be changed or challenged, but perimeters may be set to keep guns and people’s capabilities with them limited. A firearm in the hands of a criminal or someone with bad intentions is not good, but it can be prevented. Gun control needs to happen, or mass shootings and high rates of violence will continue to occur in society.
After recent mass shootings, the gun control debate has reached the boiling point. We need gun control laws? Gun control, ownership, and laws should be changed immediately.”Did you know that 33 people are killed with guns every day in America? Something needs to be done about gun control because the death rate is steadily rising and guns are one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
Gun control is a very controversial topic, especially with all of the violent attacks against people by people who believe they are the dominant over everyone else. Our society is becoming a place where the people feel as if their freedom of the right to bear arms is being threatened. If a person was to set a gun on the table would it kill the other person standing across from them? No. Although guns are a main factor contributing to the most recent deaths of people who are depressed or law bidding citizens who are trying to protect themselves, would stricter regulations interfere with everyone’s right to bear arms or would it decrease these deaths?
October first, 2017, not even a month ago was the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. This act brought so much fear into people, people became afraid of guns and the ability to use them. The idea of gun control became very popular and commonly talked about once again. People have become convinced that gun control will cause less massacre’s, and they are convinced because of this insane amount of fear people have now. Through past killings or terrorist attacks, people always strongly hate whatever caused the killing through fear alone. After September 11, 2001, a large amount of people hated Muslims, even those inside America which were completely uninvolved, fear can takeover one’s mind quick. These “modernized monsters” are
I feel gun control should be enforced more than it already is. There has already been 142 school shootings since the “Sandy Hook” elementary shooting. “There has been over 137 fatal school shootings since 1980 alone before Sandy Hook Elementary, killing over 297 people” (Bloomberg, adapted by Newsela, “Issue Overview: Guns in America”). Guns have been connected to many types of terrorism, and killing the future of America, children who can grow up to become many things. It is in a way crippling us. Over 2,961 deaths have occurred by terrorists attacks since 9/11, in American soil. Guns can be helpful and protect us but they can also harm families, and by making these weapons so easy to obtain they also make people have the ability to take their own lives.
In America the citizens were given rights by our founding fathers that were given to the citizens to maintain order in the country; one of these is the second amendment, the right to bear arms. This amendment allows United states citizens to carry a firearm for reasons like self-defense and hunting (“Second Amendment”). Now in this country there are some who wish to take that right away by saying that firearms are the source of violence in this country. These people would have others believe that guns are the reason that violent crimes happen everyday in our nation. The government is trying to ban the use of guns in America, and guns are not even the biggest threat (Deakins). No one should be able to take away a citizen’s right to bear arms.