
Persuasive Essay On Why Guns Are Bad

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever thought of owning a gun?These weapons are used everyday in combat against other countries and also by police officers in situations where they feel their life is in danger.We expect so little from actual citizens when they acquire a weapon, then we wonder why there's such a high number of murderers and many massacres happening around us,owning a weapon is a great responsibility especially for those with children for the fact that their has been cases in which children have died in the past for handling a gun left in a unsafe place.
Initially, Owning a gun for the sake of our safety and that of our loved ones can be a good reason as to why someone could own a gun, it essential so when you have someone breaking into your house or threatening the life of your family, but having this at an unsafe place could be really tragic for the simplicity that any young kid could see it as a toy and may point it at someone and accidentally hurt them or even more seriously kill them we as state should enforce a law that if something like this ever happens we should hold the person which the weapon is registered to accountable for the accidental deaths caused by their weapon.

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