
Persuasive Essay On Violence In Sports

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If a nation feels that they have a big sporting identity, that nation’s entire sense of being and self worth come from being a sporting nation. A drop in a nations self worth and self-esteem can come from a “sporting nation” not participating in a sport they feel best at, a drop in self worth and self-esteem can also come from not doing well in a sport that the nation is seen to be good at, not only by people inside the country itself but by others. If a sporting nation, sporting self esteems drops they are at risk of only having negative expectations of their sporting nation, they are also at risk of having a low rate of participation and effort shown by the people inside the nation towards sport. (Podium Sports Journal, 2010)

Self-esteem plays a …show more content…

Popularity of sporting athletes is judged by who is sponsoring them, what team they play for and how they act on and off the field. Violence in sport can be traced back throughout history, (Australian Government, 2009) but recently parents are becoming apposed to certain Australian sports, this is because of the violence of the athletes shown by the media. NRL is amongst the sports that are having a large withdrawal of younger players because of the reports of violence coming from captains and athletes of the sport towards other athletes, the reports of assault towards girlfriends and other family members of the athletes. (The Guardian, 2015) Parents are afraid that their young children looking up to these athletes will lead their children to believe that behavior like this is ok, when its not. The large amount of violence that is coming from the NRL is putting a bad spin on Australia’s football identity. Many Australian’s are concerned that these negative actions are making people in other nations think that Australia condones violence in Australia’s sport. (Australian Government,

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