
Persuasive Essay On Vegan Diets

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Heart disease kills over 630,000 people in America every year and cancer kills nearly 600,000. What if the number one cause of death in America, and most of modernized culture is almost completely due to our diet? What if cancer rate could be drastically decreased due to dietary changes? Many of us go through our daily lives as omnivores, eating animals and their products as if it were normal. Many people are unaware and lack the dietary knowledge to make the necessary change to save themselves from putting themselves at risk for the number one killer In modernized culture. I’ve been vegan at best, and plant based (due to not being able to afford my own groceries) at the minimum for almost 6 months because of the increasing research and knowledge about vegan diets, as well as ethical and environmental reasons. Animal products and their derivatives is detrimental to our health, we aren’t meant to eat them, and the diet we should be eating is a whole foods, low fat, vegan diet. Are Humans Omnivores? Before we actually get into the various problems eating animal products can cause, we should explore the idea of what diet we were meant to eat. Most people would assume humans are omnivores, because we carry our lives out as such, but they couldn’t be further from wrong. Biologically speaking, we are herbivores, and we are built as such(6). When looking at common characteristics of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores, humans fit almost all of a herbivore. We can also take a look at our closest descendants, apes, and see they are all herbivores as well. Carnivores and omnivores have large heads, with gaping mouths and large, often sharp teeth for biting into flesh and killing prey, with little to no side to side jaw movement. On the other hand, Herbivores have smaller heads and mouth openings, shorter molar teeth and more side to side jaw movement for grinding and chewing food. Which one do we sound more like so far? Carnivores and omnivores need very little chewing of food and have no digestive enzymes in their saliva; while herbivores and humans need a lot of chewing and we have carbohydrate digesting enzymes in our saliva. Humans and Herbivores have longer small intestines and less acidic stomachs,

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