
Persuasive Essay On Vaccinations

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The desire of improved health for the citizens of our nation has long been fundamental in promoting the use of vaccinations. As early as the 1800’s, vaccinations were beginning to be recognized as highly beneficial in abolishing deadly diseases and intense interest in developing useful vaccinations began. As more vaccinations were discovered and more individuals vaccinated, diseases such as polio, diphtheria, and smallpox no longer plagued populations and decimated nations. Combined vaccinations for multiple diseases were created, such as diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine (DTP) and measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR). These vaccines have played an enormous role in improving the health of the people of our nation. Successful vaccination …show more content…

The total cost of this unnecessary incidence was over $200,000 (Moser, 2015). This one example enlightens the potential problems and costs involved when compliance with vaccination programs is not fulfilled. Realizing the possible consequences for failure to vaccinate, it is extremely important that initiatives to increase vaccination compliance be both financially feasible and agreeable to caregivers of young children who may be at high risk for vaccination noncompliance. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) working along the World Health Organization (WHO) is diligently providing increased access to vaccines globally. Since 2000, this organization’s work has been credited with the avoidance of six million possible deaths by providing vaccines for 440 million children. With 73 countries eligible for GAVI’s assistance with vaccination, universal vaccine coverage is improving; which in turn, helps to improve immunity in the United States. In 2012, with GAVI’s support, the WHO approved the Decade of Vaccines-Global Vaccine Action Plan. This aggressive plan provides a global agenda to increase access to vaccinations worldwide by the year 2020 (Bustreo, 2015). GAVI’s work in improving vaccination coverage, while extraordinary, comes with great expense and challenge. One

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