Getting behind the wheel is so dangerous if we think about it. We are not just trusting ourselves, but everyone else on the road. We actually put ourselves at risk when we get on the roads. We all hear about drunk drivers, and the results of their actions. Deaths, accidents, regrets, but how about texting and driving? I remember several months ago, I pulled up to a stop sign, and was stopped for only about one-second. The sign was down a little hill, so it was not noticeable from the distance. As stopped, I saw in my rearview mirror, a car coming in fast, and before he could react, he slammed into the back of me. The cause of it? He was going down that road fast, and on his phone. While he was looking down on his phone, probably sending a text, he did not see the sign that advised there was a stop sign ahead. If he was not distracted, the accident could have easily been avoided. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Imagine if cell phones weren't around like years ago, these incidents would not be happening. The driver takes their eyes off the road for 10 seconds. Is that message really important of what you had to say? It is not even just messages in todays society, people especially teenagers are looking at their phone to change the songs. I am guilty for this, and I know many people who I have drove with also are. We can decrease the risk of this. The transtheorectical model is the model of
Distracted driving; most of us are guilty of it without even knowing it. Distracted driving is doing anything else unrelated to driving while behind the wheel. This could include: using a cell phone, changing the radio station, eating food, and even having a conversation. The most distracting of them all is using a cell phone because it requires the user to manually input information. The laws surrounding texting while driving are far too lenient when compared to laws on drunk driving, yet both can end in a car crash. People texting while driving should face steeper penalties than what is already in place because they are a danger to anyone around them. The small fines are not enough to deter people. While banning cell phones from being allowed in vehicles is not an effective approach to the problem, stricter laws should be put in place to make the roads a safer place. Texting while driving penalties should be treated with a similar severity that DUI charges are. The penalties for texting and driving need to be increased because it would make the roads safer, increase the government’s revenue, and help solve the problem of texting while driving.
By attending Cal Baptist, I hope to receive an excellent education, to become a well-rounded Christian, to have a chance to grow socially, and to have the opportunity to make a difference in my community.
Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” explains how prisoners are chained in a cave since childhood with their back to the entrance, unable to turn their necks around. The prisoners have no knowledge of the outside world. Along the cave wall people are carrying different artifacts that cast shadows and echoes. The prisoners would try to identify and name the passing objects. One of the prisoners was freed, however when he stepped outside of the cave the sunlight hurt his eyes.
According to texting and driving statistics, every year, around 330,000 people die every year from texting and driving. This is around half of all the people who pick up their phones in the first place. Being on your phone draws your attention from the road, to your phone. states, “When you text and drive you are 23 times more likely to get into a crash.” All it takes is a simple act of not watching the road. Being unaware while driving can put you, and other's lives at risk or injury or even death. This can affect your future, others around you, your friends, and your family. Texting and driving is a very big deal. Don't Text Drive states “5 seconds is the minimal amount of time a driver takes their eyes off the road. If you are traveling at 55 miles an hour, this would equal the length of a football field of not
Being able to drive is a dream come true, that can easily become a nightmare that you are never wake up from. The state of Florida is trying to make drivers aware of the dangers that come with distracted driving. Texting and driving is one of the biggest problems America is facing at the moment. Many people, especially teenagers, are dying from distractive driving. The state of Florida decided that they wanted to help with this problem and made it illegal to text and drive. They have also put up billboards all over the state to remind drivers about the law and the consequences of distractive driving. Not only could you be harming yourself but you could also harm others if you decide to text and drive. Do us all a favor and put your
How much longer will we have to endure the pain of a careless distracted driver who crashed into a loved one? Is the text you just received while driving that important? Can’t it wait 5 minutes? There isn’t any text that is worth the price of endangering your life, and the life’s around you. And because of those who text while driving, texting and driving has now surpassed drunk driving by being the number one cause of the deaths for drivers. Americans now in days are hooked on their phones, and while driving, can cause serious consequences.
You've probably heard reports in the media about the dangers about texting and driving. You never thought you'd be injured because of the danger, but you or someone you care about has been, and a personal injury law firm might be able to help.
Roughly 265 years ago a man rode horseback through a lightning storm with both a kite and a key in hand, in hopes to prove something questioned by many; Whether or not lightning is a form of electricity. The sight may be strange to see and even hear about, but in the name of science and proving that lightning is, in fact, a type of energy, Benjamin Franklin, a scientist at heart, would do anything to test his theory about lightning. Though he may not have wanted to use this knowledge to capture lightning and convert it into usable energy, he did want to protect people and buildings by creating a path of least resistance to the ground for the lightning to travel, most commonly known as the lightning rod. Despite being a genius, capturing lightning for energy may have been a bit far out of reach for Franklin, perhaps more attainable by another scientist. Nikola Tesla, like Benjamin Franklin, was also captivated by the phenomenon of lightning. Tesla, did not want to capture lightning, but create the electrical effects to the same scale as one of nature’s most beautiful occurrences. Tesla’s idea was to “transmit electrical power without wires at high altitudes,” the same way energy is transferred during a lightning storm (Uth, 2000). In the grand scheme, his idea was too futuristic according to the many who thought he was crazy, however with the right tools, Tesla could have made it work. Lightning, while intriguing and a seemingly large waste of energy, is not as easy to
Recently the state of Oregon imposed a new law on the usage of cellular devices whilst driving vehicles. Now if cameras catch people touching their electronic devices whilst driving, then they can receive up to a $500 fine. The law was set to try and prevent car accidents where drivers are distracted using their electronic devices. Because of modern technology people have been using their mobile devices more so distracted drivers was becoming an increasing problem. People sometimes drive like drunk monkeys. Though, this new law also applies when drivers are stopped at traffic lights. This has sparked some debate over whether this is going to far. Some ask, what if we need to reply to an important text or inform someone of their whereabouts? Or if there was an emergency and someone needed to call 911? Could it then lead to more deaths from responders not getting there in time?
Have you ever driven with someone and they get a text? You see them pick up their phone. You would think that they would know how dangerous it is. People think it's no big deal but it is. Drivers should not be on the phone while driving. People get injured every year because drivers were on their phone. Being on a phone and driving is wrong.
Driving is a privilege. It also comes with endless responsibilities. You are in charge of maneuvering a 2,000 pound vehicle and have your life and possibly multiple lives in the palms of your hands. Why would you want to end someone’s or even your own life? Texting is the answer of how you could end your life quickly in a car. Your text can wait. It would be better to get to you location fashionably late, than not get there at all.
Nearly 6,000 people are killed connecting to the outcome of cell phone use while driving, according to (7). Texting and talking on the phone throughout the time that a person is driving can have deadly consequences, but people still don’t seem to want to give up risking their life. There are many issues that can happen while on the road related to the usage of cell phones. It is important to stop people from looking at their phones while driving, because it is extremely distracting and not safe. Even hands free devices are not as safe as they seem to be. There have to be consequences for people using their cell phones while driving in order to improve the people’s safety. According to, cell phones are known as distractions everywhere in the world and have created several concerns to several countries (9).
PHOENIX, N.M.- The lion’s share of people who have driver’s licenses think that trying to text while driving is too dangerous to be legal according to a new national survey released this afternoon. The survey showed that 86 percent of U.S drivers believe that handheld texting while driving is very dangerous and 93 percent support a ban on texting while driving anywhere in the country. At the same time, only 42 percent of those who took the survey believe drivers would stop texting behind the wheel if the practice was made illegal. However more than 75 percent believe there would be more compliance If hands free or voice activated technologies were more widely available. The online survey was conducted in September. Some car companies have
Texting and driving is a choice, and a huge responsibility. Not only for the passengers but, to the stand by people and other drivers on the road. Adults and teenegers while driving seem to not be able to resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and respond or text a message. When the driver is aware of the vibration or a cell phone ring, nothing can stop them from checking the notification on their phone. Especially teenagers, since they are constantly feeling the need to be available and responsive to their social life and media. When the driver’s eyes focus of the device their ability to engage in their driving task is drawn away, and the higher the risk to get into an accident. The most common cases are among teenagers, “11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving. According to a AAA poll, 94 percent of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway.”(2) Teens distracted driving is a serious problem in today's society. About 82 precent of driving teenagers 16 to 18 own a cell phone, which makes it more common and accessible to do so. 34 percent of them admit to texting and driving while 52 percent admit to talking on the phone while driving.
Even though in today's time everyone has a cell phone and that it's not new to the world. There are some disadvantages and advantages on having a cell phone. One advantage is that it helps with communication with family and friends in today's time. One disadvantage with having a cell phone is that when people receive a phone call or text they want to answer it right away no matter if you're driving or not so it causes distraction and it's dangerous to text and drive. People should not text and drive because it’s against the law, people could die, and it’s unnecessary.