
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Getting behind the wheel is so dangerous if we think about it. We are not just trusting ourselves, but everyone else on the road. We actually put ourselves at risk when we get on the roads. We all hear about drunk drivers, and the results of their actions. Deaths, accidents, regrets, but how about texting and driving? I remember several months ago, I pulled up to a stop sign, and was stopped for only about one-second. The sign was down a little hill, so it was not noticeable from the distance. As stopped, I saw in my rearview mirror, a car coming in fast, and before he could react, he slammed into the back of me. The cause of it? He was going down that road fast, and on his phone. While he was looking down on his phone, probably sending a text, he did not see the sign that advised there was a stop sign ahead. If he was not distracted, the accident could have easily been avoided. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Imagine if cell phones weren't around like years ago, these incidents would not be happening. The driver takes their eyes off the road for 10 seconds. Is that message really important of what you had to say? It is not even just messages in todays society, people especially teenagers are looking at their phone to change the songs. I am guilty for this, and I know many people who I have drove with also are. We can decrease the risk of this. The transtheorectical model is the model of

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