Many of us feel as if our cellphones are a demand in our life, this has caused a growing issue with texting and driving. We use cellphones for many different things mainly communication with others. Communication by texting, calling, and even videos. Statistics show that texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving. People often text while driving home and when they get home they don’t remember driving all because of them texting. Car accidents are the second leading reasons for death in the United States. 11 teens die every day from texting and driving. 43 states plus D.C prohibit texting and driving. Texting and driving takes your eyes off the road, both hands off the steering wheel and takes your focus away from safe driving. Traveling at 55mph when you look away for five seconds you have already driven the length of a football field. The possibility of a car accident involving a cellphone is 1 and 4. There are 40% of teens who said they have been in the car with friends or families that are using cellphones while driving. In 2013 341,00 vehicle crashes involved cell phones. Two seconds is all the time you have to look away from the road safely but it takes five seconds to send a text message on average. It is obvious that texting and driving has caused a toll in today’s world. In May 5th 2015 Oklahoma state governor Mary Fallen signed a house of bill where all mobile communication must not be used while driving. Texting and driving has become a norm to some people especially with all the advancement in smartphones. Some companies have gone about this situation where they put restrictions on the cellphone where when a vehicle is in motion there is no access to the phone. Even some insurance companies offer rewards for drivers who don’t have accidents in a certain amount of time. They also now have parent-child apps where when a minor is texting and driving it notifies the parent. Police also has cracked down on texting and driving. Fines has gone up and it also shows on when trying to get a new insurance policy. Many insurance companies will not cover you if you have a lot of texting and driving tickets on your record. There are many reasons why you or someone should stop texting and driving.
Simply putting down your phone and paying attention to the road is a decision that not only could save the life of a driver but could save a whole family and community a whole lot of hurt. At any given time during the day approximately 800,000 people across the United States are on their phone while driving, which explains why texting is the number one distraction for teens across the country (Don’t Text and Drive-Volunteer Society of America). However, we can change this. Educating teens about the true risks of texting and driving just might save a life. Any text can
According to texting and driving statistics, every year, around 330,000 people die every year from texting and driving. This is around half of all the people who pick up their phones in the first place. Being on your phone draws your attention from the road, to your phone. states, “When you text and drive you are 23 times more likely to get into a crash.” All it takes is a simple act of not watching the road. Being unaware while driving can put you, and other's lives at risk or injury or even death. This can affect your future, others around you, your friends, and your family. Texting and driving is a very big deal. Don't Text Drive states “5 seconds is the minimal amount of time a driver takes their eyes off the road. If you are traveling at 55 miles an hour, this would equal the length of a football field of not
There are approximately 11 teen deaths each day because of texting and driving. It is clear that if people would stop texting, talking or using other apps on their phones while driving , then there would be fewer accidents. The number of teens dying from being injured has skyrocketed as a result of texting while driving. It is estimated that there are over three thousand teen deaths and three hundred thousand injuries nationwide. A recent study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute showed that drivers who are texting are two times more likely to crash or almost crash compared to those who are focused on the road. There are thirty nine states and the district of Columbia that ban texting for drivers on a statewide basis. A federal survey showed that there are ninety four percent of Americans that think texting and driving should be illegal. Clearly, car accidents have increased because of the use of cellphones while driving and something more must be done about this problem.
Texting driving is as dangerous as guns there are more accidents caused by texting and driving then there are injuries caused by firearms (Law Center). That's the biggest reason why texting and driving is such a huge problem. At any point throughout the day there are approximately 660,000 people on their phones while driving (Edgar Snyder & Associates). The reason for this is because over a quarter of all people who text and drive believe they can multi task without affecting their driving at all. These people don't find out the truth of this statement until it is too late. Imagine a world where you can feel safe on the road a world without texting and driving. I feel that I have
Texting while driving puts many driver’s lives in danger daily. Multiple people feel that staying connected to the outside world is more important than focusing on the road ahead, although it is not. It can harm others on the road who are doing nothing other than trying to make it to their destination safely. If people would open their eyes to the dangers of texting while driving, less car accidents would take place every year and the roads would be much safer. Distracted drivers need to know the position they put others in as well as themselves. While behind the wheel, drivers should never direct their attention to their cell phone, and should always keep their eyes on the road.
People text and drive for various reasons; however, it’s never more important than a life. Texting is becoming the most popular form of communication; leading to increased texting while driving percentages. Mobile communication is becoming more and more popular every year. Now, almost half of all teenagers admit to texting while driving (The Cons of Texting and Driving, 1). The age group committing the biggest proportion of “texting while driving” incidents is teenagers. The main reason is that they see this as socially acceptable. If everyone is doing it, they feel that it is the accepted norm. This is wrong. Drivers, including teenagers, should set a good example in not “texting and driving”. If enough abide by this rule, a reverse in the trend to text while driving may occur. Always remember to set a good example, especially for teenagers (Leon Neyfakh, 1).
As a result of millions of injuries and deaths among the people of our country, cell phone use, and more specifically texting while driving, has become a big issue. Since texting and driving is a big issue, there are active and upcoming ways to stop it. Throughout the recent years, there have been hundreds of campaigns as well as ads on television, and in magazines to convince people to stop the use of cell phones while driving. Technology in cars is also being built to address the issue of texting and driving behind the wheel. There needs to be steps taken to address the rising number of cell phone related accidents, and if these don’t adequately help the situation, then there needs to be law enforcement set up to keep people off of
Of the many effects that texting while driving has on an individual, the most profound impact is death and the toll it takes on close relatives.In Virginia, “a five month old baby,Tristan Schulz, was killed because of a driver that had his phone in his hand and got distracted” (A Baby Is Dead in Virginia. Now Will the State Do Something about Texting While Driving?” TWP).Avoidable deaths like this happen constantly due to the careless use of cellular devices on much traveled highways/roads.So many more lives could have been spared if only that one driver had simply chosen to wait until they were no longer driving.Another tragedy that resulted from texting while driving was the loss of Stephanie Phills,37,and 26, Heather Hurd’s life when a truck driver “reaching for his hand-held device to text his office,rammed into traffic at a stop light” (Bridget, and Lebovich N.p., n.d. Web)The truck driver stop to consider the
Imagine the worst car crash you have ever seen or heard of. Imagine the smoke, the glass, the metal. Not to mention the blood and screams of the victims of the crash. Now I want you to imagine that same exact crash, but involving your loved ones. Obviously you can determine what this is about, texting and driving. Texting and driving is one of the leaders in teen deaths, at 11 teens per day dying due to cell phone distraction.
According to kelly (2012), about “six billion messages are sent a day and over 2.2 trillion in the US, (Kelly, 2012). The worst violators are high school seniors, 58% have said they have texted while they were driving within the month before the study (Bratsis,2013).” That is a lot of teens that are texting nowadays. The majority of teenagers argue that “texting and driving is a “common” thing to do.” but when not only their lives but also other
The 21st century is an era where technology is supreme and advancing and almost everyone has a cell phone. Cell phones are used for everything such as talking, communicating, playing games, but something that is constantly on the rise is texting. A problem that arises because of this issue is texting and driving as the technological advances of the twenty-first century make way into society. Texting while driving takes up a significant percentage of all distracted driving cases. The lives of pedestrians, other drivers, homeowners, animal life and the drivers themself are at risk in these hazardous situations. Many people might not consider texting and driving as a risky act, however it can be worse than drunk driving at times. Additionally, it can take a person's attention away from the road and can cause accidents which can cost a large number in repairs and compensation. If a person texts and drives, many unwanted situations can result. Texting while driving should be illegal because it is more dangerous than other types of distraction-affected driving, it is responsible for millions of dollars needed to pay in insurance and the money needed to pay for damage and it could lead to dangerous consequences.
Texting and driving is a very dangerous habit that approximately 660,000 drivers attempt on a daily basis (Cell Phone Use). It has been one of the leading causes of many accidents and injuries. Technology is a very useful tool; however is can become a dangerous distraction for some. Today cellphones and technology have become addicting to society. Texting and driving is full of risks that can result in many consequences. This may include, hazardous and reckless driving, it can destroy families and ruin people's lives, but it can be prevented.
Imagine yourself driving to school one morning when, all of a sudden, you hear the familiar tune coming from your phone as it alerts you of a message you have received. Your first thought is to nonchalantly check your phone to see who it was and what they had to say. You do this and take your eyes off the road for only seconds to write a quick reply of abbreviations and emoticons. You did not realize it, but the light you were passing through had turned red as you looked down, but you continued to drive through it. You hit a car, putting you, along with all of the passengers in the other vehicle, in danger for an unnecessary and undeserving reason; texting and driving is no habit to be proud of. It is important to educate teenagers of the dangers and risks that texting and driving brings forth in an attempt to keep the roads safe. Students should not text and drive because it is a decision that could potentially put drivers, passengers, and pedestrians in danger.
As cell phones become more popular, texting while driving is becoming the most widely known cause for car accidents among teens. The alarming rate of incidents where texting is involved is getting more parents worried and warning their children about the danger of texting while driving. Parents are urging the fact that drivers should pay attention to the road and traffic, not their phones. A popular study of 18 to 24 year old drivers showed that 66 percent of them have texted while driving. Since texting while driving is becoming more popular many states are passing a law to ban the use of any cell phone device while in a vehicle. Texting while driving is an important issue that is causing many deaths and those who cause these deaths and
Does it seem like everywhere you go people are preoccupied with texting? Often people are seen with the cell phone in one hand and texting while walking, in a restaurant eating with friends, working or shopping. It has become a part of everyday life. The convenience and the need to stay connected has made texting a useful method of communicating, that has increased dramatically with teenagers. According to Dr. Delgado, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Perelman School of Medicine, “Adolescents report that texting is the most common way that they stay in contact with friends, sending an average of a hundred texts per day” (para. 1). This includes texting while driving. The effects of distracted driving from texting include legal penalties, increase in insurance premiums, motor vehicle crashes, and even death. Texting while driving has become a major problem in the United State and a simple LOL can have serious consequences.