
Persuasive Essay On Tap Water

Decent Essays

The normal human body is made up of about 60% of water, which is obviously over half the human body. Drinking tap water is something that is a part of almost everyone’s daily lives, however, in the documentary Poisoned Water by PBS, Flint, Michigan’s tap water isn’t as safe as the people of Flint, Michigan originally thought. Lead poisoning, legionaries’ disease, even the deaths of 12 people have all been happening to the people of Flint, Michigan according to Poisoned Water by PBS. I was surprised to learn that it took so much effort just to get clean water. People should not have to worry about if their water is safe or not, it’s a basic human right to trust in the people who run the water plants to make sure the water is drinkable. I was also surprised to learn that a disease can arise from the lack of clean water. I didn’t realize that by constantly neglecting to clean up the pipes in Flint, Michigan, legionaries’ disease would form. I also was surprised to learn about the effects lead had on people who drank the contaminated water. When it comes to clean water, I’ve never really questioned if my water is clean or not. It’s something that shouldn’t be questioned, it should just be a fact that the water is clean. I’m shocked to know that it took 18 months to actually switch back to the original water system. “In October 2015, 18 months after the switch, Flint finally changes back to the Detroit water system and once again receives properly treated water from Lake Huron”

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