
Persuasive Essay On Snowboarding

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Waking up and looking outside, the snow is several inches deep covering the grass, the street, and the snow-banks are knee high. These are the perfect conditions, for one thing, snowboarding. A snowboarder knows the prime conditions to ride and will do anything to make sure they are on the mountain ready to go when those conditions arise. In preparation for snowboarding, you’ll need to consider the temperature, where you will be riding, and what type of gear is needed for the conditions. When preparing yourself for the long day ahead, you must consider the temperature in which you will be riding. You will want to constantly watch the local weather station, find the next snowfall, and following temperatures. If the snow falls when it is too warm, it will have the chance to melt and refreeze into a crusty layer of ice. If the snow falls when it’s too cold, it will come down very hard and will not be the powdery snow that is desired. The best time to hit the mountain in the morning after a big snowfall, and the temps around 25-30 degrees. When the snowfalls at night, it is already there in the morning and it does not have to be fought and rode through during the day. This can make the day much more enjoyable and keep you warmer.
The places you will be riding can have a big impact on how the ride will go. A day snowboarding in the Midwest can be really hit or miss depending on location. In the Midwest, there is not very much snow that falls naturally. This forces resorts to make their own man-made snow. This snow tends to be a bit harder and more like small ice balls rather than really powdery snow. Being in the midwest there is also frequent climate changes. This can make the temperatures change rapidly and can make the snow melt and refreeze, or become very hard just overnight.
When riding out in the west, the conditions are a lot more predictable and can be a very good time. Out west in the Wyoming or Colorado area, the snowfall is much greater and comes in a totally different shape and size. The snow that falls there is in very big snowflakes, with multiple feet of snow every single week. Since they do not need to make snow, the conditions are all natural which allows for a lot smoother

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